Chapter- 43: Mr. Adams gets his Mrs. Adams?

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Please read the 'ALERT' chapter before starting this chapter. 

Shane's P.O.V. :

She kept staring at me trying to say something but getting no words what to say. She stood there in silence, confused by the moment. And I, well... I maintained my on knees posture and kept looking at her with hope, hope that she would say 'Yes'. The 'Yes' which I don't deserve at all after what I have done. I could feel my body getting hotter and my hands, sweating like in a sauna. She tried to say something twice, except nothing came out. She stuttered every time like a never-ending nightmare.

"Did you propose to me? For real?" She asked trying to comprehend everything that happened in the past few minutes. She looked in shocked. She wasn't expecting it.

I chuckled and nodded nervously. I nearly became a statue from the fear of her disapproving of the flash mob proposal.

"I guess, I did," I said looking into her beautiful eyes which have the power to captivate me every time I look into them.

"You did all this to propose to me for marriage? I am stunned," she said looking around at all the dancers.

"Lara, I was really in a rush and was scared when Ashley came and told us that you were leaving the country. It was like I had gone numb for a moment. I could think nothing but about you. I had to rush to the airport and stop you. That was the only thought going on into my head. I was really in a rush so I tried to do whatever I could to make this proposal to happen. Lara, I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted the best proposal ever for you. But nothing was possible at such short notice so I had to use this way of proposal. The proposal managing head suggested that this was in trend these days. I am already late by a few days and had missed one chance of telling you about my real feelings. So, I couldn't afford to lose this chance." I said trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Are you really in... love with....with me? Are you serious about all this? " she asked stuttering.

"Lara," I began, "remember when we were in China for the anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Chang, I learned to live and enjoy each day to the fullest. I got to learn what life is and how to cherish it. I used to have only one emotion and knew only one thing, business. I had no idea about anything else. But with you, I felt various types of emotions that I had not felt in my life before. I felt jealous looking that good for nothing surgeon guy, I felt like killing him at times. And I am telling you, I didn't like the cake he baked..." I said making a sour face which made Lara laugh a little.

"I also felt tingles and the feeling which is famously called 'butterflies in the stomach' when we were roaming around the market during the Chinese festival night. It was the best feeling. And I felt proud and more attracted to you when you effortlessly fought with that nasty man and taught him and his wife a good lesson. That was the exact day when I came to know that I had fallen completely for you. And I knew that I was in great trouble. I had no idea how to deal with those feelings. I had never experienced anything like that in my life. Everything was so new to me. " I said as I held her hand in mine and rubbed it with my thumb gently not averting my eyes from hers.

"When I finally realized that there's no way out, the feeling called love has already taken over my system and you have stolen my heart and won't return it to me at any cost, I knew exactly what I needed to do next. On the day of their anniversary, I had planned a fairy-tale proposal for you. I wanted to make you mine completely and confess my love to you that night. Everything was perfect that night but because of the call from home, we had to leave everything there and return hurriedly. I couldn't confess my feelings to you that night. That day I had the chance to propose to you to be my girlfriend but I missed it. That is why I couldn't afford to miss any more chances. And this time, I don't want to propose to you to be my girlfriend but...I want you to be my bride. I want you to marry me and make me the happiest man on this earth. I know after the whole engagement thing with Tiara, I have messed up big time and I don't even have words to explain how guilty and ashamed I am feeling about it. I know I have hurt your feelings and ruined everything between us. But, I cannot live without having you in my life. I will be ruined. I want you. I need you. " I completed and saw her eyes filling up with tears.

"So...Lara, will you please marry me and make me the luckiest and the happiest man?" I asked will full determination in my voice

"I was hurt when you said you wanted to get married to Tiara. I wanted to punch you hard, smash your head and ask you why did you even come in my life in the first place. I wanted to hurt you like your decision of marrying her hurt me. I had lost all the hopes, but your mom and sister encouraged me to fight for my life. I did...I tried to make you realize that you too have feelings for me. But...but when you got engaged to Tiara, I lost every ounce of hope that was remaining in my heart. That is when I decided I wouldn't return to you. I decided I would go away from your life forever. I was determined but..." she stopped for a second and then continued again

"...but when Mr. Stone came and told me that you canceled your engagement with Tiara, finally I could see a ray of hope. I felt happy. I wanted to come to you running and slap you in your face and then hug you and tell you how much you meant to me and what I exactly felt for you." She said wiping her tears.

"But I got a call from my grandma about grandpa's health. Though he's has recovered already but I wanted to go and meet him. Also, I needed time to think about this whole situation. So, I hurriedly booked the tickets and left to go to my grandparents." she explained

"I wanted to go away from you. I wanted to think over our confusing relationship," she said which made me nervous

"Think? Think about what? Please don't say you had thought of leaving me. I won't allow that, sorry!" I said almost panicking.

"Why can't I leave you? You were about to leave me as well," she said rolling her eyes and folding her arms over her chest.

I got on my legs abruptly and stood in front of her, face to face.

"I was an idiot. You are not. You are way smarter than me. You cannot think of leaving me. Lovers don't think of leaving each other and the smarter one shouldn't have those kinds of thoughts at all." I said in a complaining tone

"We are not lovers yet, Mr. Shane Adams," she said glaring at me

"The keyword here is 'yet'. We are not lovers yet but we will be after you'll accept my proposal." I said as I held her forearm and tried to make her look at me. She swiftly took my hands, entangled her leg with mine and made me fall on my back hitting the hard floor and making me yelp in pain.

It feels like a Deja-vu. This has happened to me already.

Yeah right, our first meeting at the club. How can I forget it?

I stood up arranging my suit.

"Good shot, Lara. That's like my daughter-in-law." we heard loud cheering from the crowd. And the voice seemed familiar.

We both looked at the crowd and spotted my mother standing in the crowd and cheering for Lara.

"Mom? You're here?" I asked in disbelief.

to be contd...

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