Chapter 1 -A Simple Interview

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Vanity Rose sat with her long tanned legs crossed one over the other, her tight white dress slit at the side revealing the skin up to her thigh. People would have probably laughed if she had told them five years ago that she would be the executive editor at Glam Magazines, one of the most popular and trending names in the world of fashion.

She ran a hand through her dark hair and over her tight bun before she rested it on the armchair she was sitting on. Her devilishly red polished finger nails tapped relentlessly on the wooden surface as her brown eyes wandered impatiently around the reception lounge of Limelights Corporation. It seemed a bit busier than the last time she was here.

It was no surprise that with new management in place, panic held a firm grip on all the employees. Even security seemed tense. Perhaps it was the fear of the unknown.

She sighed for the eleventh time. Max was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago and her interview was due in ten. He was the best photographer in the business; it was unlike him to leave her hanging, especially at a time like this. They used to work so well together back when she had just started out at Glam Magazines; he was the only person with whom she could let her guard down.

She glanced down at her wrist watch once more, hoping that Max would turn up any second now. They still had to go over the whole structure of the interview. Her hands trailed over her unopened book that laid dormant on her lap. It was no use pretending to read, she thought, placing the book back into her Jimmy Choo bag.

"Hello there beautiful," a lecherous voice growled in her ear.

Vanity looked up, startled and then smiled, seeing Max Hades curly blonde head appear in front of her. His eyes were dancing with amusement.

"Max, you're late," she accused, instantly relieved that he was finally here. "Where have you been?"

He sighed exaggeratedly as he took a seat beside her. "No need for you to be jealous babe. I only have eyes for you," he grinned throwing her a sexy wink.

Vanity laughed. "Of course you do. Let me guess, it was one of those lady friends of yours that kept you. One of these days they are going to get you fired."

Max put a hand over his forehead and groaned out loud, "I can't help it babe, they just won't leave me alone. Must be the sex."

A small crowd passing through the hallway gazed at them and Vanity elbowed him and shook her head. Of course, he would draw attention to them.

"Come on, we need to go over a few things before we head up," she said, pulling out her black leather diary.

"Alright," he agreed, stretching his long legs in front of him and leaning back with a yawn.

Vanity frowned at him, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Nah babe," he shook his head, then grinned wickedly. "Gloria came over for a booty call last night. I'm telling you, she refused to let me sleep."

"Gloria? What happened to Daisy? I liked her alot."

"Daisy? Oh, She's still around," he waved her off.

"You know that you're bound to get caught right?" she lifted a disapproving brow at him.

"Not if I stick to my routine. Why do you think I call everyone babe? You know I can't remember a name even if my life depends on it and surprisingly it works for both of the parties involved." He shamefully wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She gave him a look of somewhat blessé, "I'm hurt Max. You call me babe all the time, does that mean that you can't recall my name?" She placed a hand over her heart.

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