Chapter 5 - The Dating Thing (part 1)

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The muscles in Vanity's jaws ticked on her way back to her office. She had just about enough of freaking Kontantine and his meddling ways. Not only did she have him to deal with but now Rea had added herself into the mix.

She needed to get out of here.

On her way in, her brown eyes narrowed in on Rea, who apparently had taken the liberty of making herself comfortable in Vanity's chair. This was not what Vanity needed right now. Knowing Rea, she was probably here to gloat and spoil what's left of her day.

"Ah! Vanity." Rea said as Vanity was closing the door. "Telephone!" Rea waved the receiver at her.

Vanity frowned crossing the office. "Why are you in here?" She hissed through clenched teeth ripping the phone from Rea's claws.

Rea simply shrugged and got up from behind Vanity's desk with an amused smirk on her face.

Vanity drew in a sharp breath, reminding herself that she was at work, and that she was a professional and that someday soon she'll get the chance to rip the skin off her botoxed face.

"Well, who is it?" Vanity asked when she was convinced that she was calm enough to address Rea.

Rea's red lips curled. "He didn't say, but he sure as hell sounds sexy. Does the voice match the face?"

Oh God! Give me strength to go through today without killing her.

"Out, Rea!" She pointed to the door, her face hard and eyes cold.

"Sheesh.... I can see that Edward has already given you the good news. Exciting isn't it?"Rea said beaming at Vanity.

"Out!" Vanity exclaimed a little louder, her lips formed a thin line.

Rea laughed out as she glided passed Vanity, "Just remember this the next time you think you're one step ahead of me, darling." She said waving her finger in the air as she wandered off.

Vanity heaved a heavy breath before bringing the receiver to her ear.


"Hello,Vanity?" The deep, masculine voice made the hair on her head prickle.

Her grip hardened on the receiver. "What do you want?"

The sound of his soft laughter made Vanity want to stop smash that receiver down on it's cradle.

"Do I really have to spell it out?" He asked in an arrogant tone.

"No, but I'm sure you will eventually." She said, walking over to the window behind her desk and watched the afternoon traffic jam on the street below.

"Was there anything else?" She asked in a sweet, honeyed voice hoping that he would catch the sarcasm in there somewhere and make it clear to Kontantine know that she was not amused by his comment.

"Of course." He murmured.

Vanity waited at the long pause for him to speak again.

"Have dinner with me." He said as if not leaving any room for debate.

Vanity was taken aback, a frown marring her brows. "No." She said, feeling a sudden rush of anger pulsing through her veins. Remembering the first time he had said that to her.

"No, I won't." She exclaimed louder.

"How about lunch then?"He offered not sounding like he was about to back down.

"I'd rather sip poison." She spat at him.

Kontantine spoke in a clipped and angry voice. "Don't try to avoid me, Vanity. I'll get to you somehow."

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