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Note: revised but not triple checked for spelling and grammatical mistakes. If you see one, feel free to comment.

I stood before a magnificent castle, one only depicted in the most dazzling fairy tales. It harbored tall winding towers of red mismatched brick and intricate stained glass windows miles long beneath arches along the front. For me, it was dream like. The light piercing through the clouds sprinkled it with mystery and a subtle tranquil gleam. Beaten steps led up to the grand building, broken down and discolored from traffic. But it didn't take away from the beauty. In fact it gave the alluring dimension of time.

What had happened within these walls? What stories lay beneath the surface of this dream? I could imagine both love and disaster trickling through these beautiful bricks.

There was nothing left but to find out first hand, so I followed Sir Dominik up the weathered steps and into the castle doors.

With our entrance came the stopping of an entire world. Not only did the servants that spotted the foyer halt in their duties but the very air grew still with his mighty presence. It was as if every single one of them held their breath and bowed their heads in submission. Even the grand portraits decorating the walls seemed to pay him close attention. With every step we made, dozen of eyes followed.

The only thing that broke they're stillness was his voice.

"I need a woman to wash up this young girl and get her dressed. Now." He spoke coldly, crossing the room to one of two long hallways.

I didn't mind that he left me there alone with the people. I cared even less that he hadn't spoken a word to me the entire trip. All that ran through my mind was the scene laid before me. Deep red walls like velvety blood that ran for miles and black marbled floors that shown my reflection right back at me. Century's of faces lined up to greet anyone who entered and there were glossy vases of fresh flowers in every corner I could see. It was all dark and gothic, matching its master personality like a custom fit glove.

It was so different from anything I'd ever seen. I felt out of place, I felt guilty for standing in the midst of it all. I peered down at my mud caked dress with all its patches and tears. I couldn't even begin to think of what these people thought of me. I was nothing more than a helpless child who lived in a pigs pin to them. And the not so subtle looks they shot my way seemed to prove my fears.

Nonetheless, in this new life I had for myself, no matter where I fit or what status was stuck to my back, I chose to face it with unwavering confidence. As odd as it seemed, it always worked for the people in my books.

So with my chin held high and my shoulders strong, I stepped forward to the approaching woman. And I didn't once allow my knees to buckle, no matter how shaken I was inside.

"What is your name?" Her dull brown hair was pulled back so tightly to form a little neat bun I thought it might tear back her scalp. Her high cheek bones and tiny nose made up for her elderly lady hairstyle to give her a rather youthful appeal. She was beautiful, skinny and elegant. She was everything I wished I was.

My voice left me as a hum, my throat closing around my words as if they were lies.


"My name is Vera. May I ask how old you are, Rozalina?" She smiled kindly as if knowing full well how weak I felt inside.

"Eighteen." I smiled back, her hospitality erasing a bit of my nagging uneasiness. "I just turned eighteen last month."

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