August 9 2014

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We arrived at lake Powell today. The plane ride was very fun, especially at the end when there was a lot of turbulence. I mean, most people would be scared, right? But not me. I had full faith in my grandparents, the pilots, and I knew they would be able to get us landing safely. I think Riley was a little doubtful, though. Every time I looked over at him, he'd be hugging himself, hugging his stuffed animals, trying to relax in his chair, or curled in the fetal position. I think he's a little scared of turbulence. I, on the other hand, found it quite exhilarating and fun. I have the coolest grandparents. I'm so grateful to have them in my life, and I'm so grateful we get to go on all sorts of special family vacations with them! XD I'm pretty excited for tomorrow, because we're raking the houseboat out! Hopefully we can find a nice, good beach where it's clean and not a lot of people. I mean, we'll take what we can get, but we hope it's good, anyway. I'm worried I'm not strong enough to anchor the boat, but I'll help wherever I can. I'm really excited to experience the next Powell trip.

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