September 12 2015

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A letter to him

But the thing is, you're not here. You weren't when I needed you. You were out chasing other girls. You can say as much as you want to try and "fix it," but you already broke it a long time ago. I called you for weeks, begging for you to help me. Begging you to come save me from myself. I was fighting depression, you were my antidote, and you just walked away when I needed you the most. I sat home alone for days, crying behind closed doors, praying that you would come back to me. But when you never came back, I learned that loving someone isn't easy. Yes, I'm weak. I get anxiety every morning before school. I even threw up in the bushes before school, then I walked right onto school grounds like it never happened. It's been really hard. But I'm getting stronger. Kinsey was right. Yesterday was the first day I've been truly happy since we were in a relationship, and even in the relationship I wasn't happy. It's my friends and the church that are keeping me strong. They have done so much for me, and I'm realizing it's more than you ever could've done for me. I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true with all of my heart. My church friends and this church's teachings have helped me overcome so much. This church believes that we should be loving to all, and treat everyone better than the way you want to be treated. This church has given me the strength to forgive you. I forgive you Andy. I know you may not be asking for forgiveness, but I'm just letting you know it's there. And I'm not asking for forgiveness either. I'm not asking anything from you anymore. I am weak, but I know my friends and my Heavenly Father can help me be strong. Some days are worse than others, but I'm learning how to get better. I have been learning how to let go. When you left me on the fourth floor last week, that was the first time I was glad your back was turned on me. That was the first time I was glad to see you go. Remember when you sent a text, telling me that I was "special," and that, "there was something in me that you didn't see in anyone else," and when you told me that you hadn't found that one word to describe me yet?

I finally found that one word.


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