November 9 2014

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Today's Sunday, and I'm missing Andy like crazy. Partially because Friday was just wow. In the morning when he walked me to my class, we left a little early so we had some extra time when we got up there.

I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but one minute he was next to me- both of us were leaning on the wall- and the next I was beneath the wall and he was kissing me. He wasn't forceful or anything- he didn't come at me fast either- but he was kind of tentative, and slow, and gentile. I love it when he's gentile with me. Like after the kiss, we separated and he was about to go. So, even though we'd literally been kissing before, I hugged him again.

I was wearing my black and white striped shirt that lifts up a little when I lift my arms above my head. During the hug, he has his hands on my hips, and at first he just trailed his fingers over the skin of my hips lightly, just barely under my shirt. Then he slowly reached his hands under my shirt and began rubbing my hips and back in circular motions. He didn't go too high or too low, but just right. And holy crap, I liked it. It's kind of seriously weird to think I liked it when he felt me. But wow, his hands were so warm, and feeling them travel down my back and hips just felt so right. I hope he'll hold me like that and he gentile with me like that more often. It makes me feel delicate- which I'm not- but I like it when I feel like it. It's a hard feeling to describe. I also saw him after school. Man. I died.

When we got to Von's I called mom and she wasn't there and running late so she wouldn't be there for a while. We did hang out for a while. We walked to the back and sat on the stairs, and I'd kiss him on the cheek every couple of minutes. Then we both stood up and I put my arm around his shoulders, and we kissed.

It was the first time I didn't feel like a complete idiot and had somewhat control over what I was doing. And man, it was fun. I was surprised though, because I thought I would be the one to stop kissing first, but it was him.

He pulled his lips away from mine, and hugged me while apologizing that he needed to stop, because of his, "little man," basically. I didn't say anything, just kept hugging him, because I didn't know what to say. I wasn't weirded out or anything, I just didn't know how to respond, and I wanted to keep hugging him. I think he probably felt awkward and embarrassed but I didn't. I honestly didn't mind at all. It kind of made me appreciate him more I guess? I don't know how to describe it. But I love how he's different. In stories you hear, a guy will usually get all up on you when that happens. It's... Nice? I guess to know that Andy's different. He's so sweet. I told him already, but I hope he knows that I honestly don't mind. It was cute that he got embarrassed, honestly.

After that we were hugging, and he bit my neck. It was scary, because when I responded, I didn't even sound like myself. I can't even remember what I said, but when he bit me the first phrase I could think of slipped out, and it didn't sound like me. And then, using the last bit of breath I had, I was able to say, "Please don't, I don't want her to see..." I was talking about my mom. He responded with, "I know," and began kissing my neck.

Then, a couple of minutes later, he came and gave me a backwards hug while we were still waiting. I love backwards hugs. And forwards hugs. And kisses. Anyways, he gave me a backwards hug, and because I love it so much I rested my head on his shoulder, leaving the left side of my neck completely exposed. Then he licked my neck. Holy crap, it drove me crazy. It was the first time he's done anything to the left side of my neck, which is my sensitive side. It seriously was such a turn on, and when he saw the effect it had on me he just chuckled in my ear, which made it worse. The frustration!

So I've been craving him like all weekend. I snapchatted him yesterday (Saturday) and I talked to him on the phone, so I'm okay. I guess. But I still miss him. He asked me for a selfie on Saturday, and so I took one, but I wasn't going to send it. I changed my mind at the last second and sent it, because I actually somewhat liked it.

He replied by telling me I'm beautiful and that he's, "the luckiest guy." But I think the fact that he thinks he's lucky to have me makes me even luckier to have him. Also, when we were talking, he asked me how my day was. I told him it was good, but I was happiest when I was talking to him.

He said, "Good. I've been doing my job right."

I was confused, so I asked him, "What do you mean? What is your job?"

He replied, "To keep to I happy."

I don't see how he's the lucky one, I think the lucky one is me. Because he's so freaking perfect. And somehow, I get to have him in my life. I don't think it can get any better than that.

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