19; glass town

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"For a demon, you're pretty boring." Lita commented, picking at the dried blood on her hands as she leaned back uncomfortably on the stone stairs. She was bored yet again; not even the recent shades of red added to her attire able to keep her interest for more than a few minutes. "When can we kill someone?"

"You and the Oni just slashed through an entire hospital." The demon stated, matter-of-factly. He was annoyed with her, as usual— his instructions had been not to kill, but to simply cut people with the sword in a non-fatal way. He needed them to suffer, to be in pain, whereas all Lita wanted to do was decapitate people & watch the blood spew from their neck. His plan did include mass homicide, but not now. Not until he won the game.

"Yeah, but I only killed like four people." Lita rolled her eyes, recalling the relatively uneventful time she'd had at the hospital with two of the Oni.

The halls of Beacon Hills memorial hospital were relatively calm as Lita entered the elevator empty handed. Unable to enter the building with her sword without drawing too much attention, she had left it with one of the Oni, who were waiting for her cue to appear in the building, for safekeeping. She & the nogitsune had hidden away for the night, the demon staying awake to plot & perfect his schemes whilst Lita opted to sleep because he was a buzzkill.

Lita was really starting to get the feeling he didn't like her all that much— of course she'd known there was little to no chance that the demon would ever care for her in any way, but she couldn't even get him to sleep with her. Everyone wanted to do that. Lita was confident even Malia wanted to do that at one point, and frankly, Lita would've been game if Stiles hadn't of shown up. Lita wondered momentarily if Malia would still interested, but shrugged it off. She didn't seem like the type to go for psychopaths.

Her focus drifted back to the nogitsune as the floor number changed, indicating the elevator was slowly but surely carrying her up to her destination. She noticed the little things about him, how he was beginning to grow colder to her; more so than he had been before. He used to play into her little games, lead her on as though he was interested, but now he shut her down in seconds. He didn't toy with her anymore, and that led Lita to believe that the end was nearing.

Lita didn't know how she was going to die yet. Her best guess would be at the hands of Derek Hale or Scott McCall, but it was becoming more & more likely that the nogitsune could decide he no longer needed her at any given moment now. Lita didn't really care, but it was something other than suicide to ponder while listening to the godawful elevator music.

The box jolted to a halt & the doors opened, freeing the psychopath from the small space at last. Lita hated elevators, but she had no desire to run the stairs— she was fit enough already. She wasn't going to live long enough to worry about her health in the long run. With her hands in her pockets, Lita approached the front desk. Her expression was calm, but she couldn't fully hide the smirk ghosting on her lips at the thought of what was to come in the imminent future.

"Hi there." Lita greeted the nurse standing behind the desk, flipping through various pages of a chart. He was a relatively young man, presumably one of the hospital's newer staff members. "Could you page Melissa McCall for me, please?"

The man nodded, reaching for a pager but never got the chance to do so as two Oni appeared alongside Lita, one of them stabbing a sword through his torso. As soon as the sword was removed he began to cough up blood & fell to the ground. Lita estimated his maximum remaining survival time to be two minutes— forty-five seconds of consciousness.

"It's so hard to find good help these days." Lita sighed, taking her sword back from the other Oni. "Guess we'll just have to find her ourselves."

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