Bonus: fun facts!

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Because who doesn't love knowing how the story could have gone had I not been indecisive as hell & changed my mind a thousand times?

1. The original title was City (based on the song City by Hollywood Undead. The line "this city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me" is what inspired the story).

2. The name Lita came from my very first original story. Her name was Lita Williams & she was a werewolf hunter (basically a knockoff of Allison Argent). The story is still in my drafts & I can't read a single line without cringing, but I keep it to look back on.

3. Nothing that happened in this story was ever planned. I don't plan ahead at all— I make it up as I go (whereas with my other books, I plan seasons in advance). The only think I knew was going to happen was Lita's death, but I didn't know how until I wrote it.

4. The description in the very first chapter is the one in my plot book. There was never an earlier draft of LC— the only thing I changed about it was the title. I never even considered changing the love interest, although I have hinted on a few occasions that I shipped Lita & Malia (I still do tbh, even after she killed her lmao)

5. I may or may not have planned a spin-off to this, where Lita goes to Hell; you can probably tell that by the epilogue. It's a Supernatural fanfiction & it consists of her annoying Crowley by trying to steal his throne, becoming the self-proclaimed princess of Hell & hitting on Dean, but I doubt it'll ever be written (sorry?) Maybe in the future, as a short story.

6. There was potentially going to be a sequel where Lita was brought back by the Dread Doctors, but I decided against it. She & Theo would be the best partners in crime, but there's no way the pack would ever trust her again— and if I did the sequel, I wouldn't have been able to kill as many people as I did. Heart wrenching character death > sequel.

7. Up until this point (September 9, 2016), this list of fun facts was written before I wrote the finale. As of right now, I'm about to roll a dice & decide who to kill. You guys already know, because the story will have been completed by the time you read this, but let's give it a go. 1-Scott, 2-Stiles, 3-Isaac, 4-Kira, 5-Derek, 6-Aly's choice. I purposely left out the ones who already die. So, here we go.. 5! Bye, Derek. Let's do it again just for the hell of it. 6. Uh oh, spaghettio. Uh.. This one's a mercy kill, since I hated seeing him heartbroken. Bye, Isaac. Yikes.. That actually hurt. He's my favourite character & I don't know if I can do it. One more time? 1. I need Scott to kill Lita, so we're gonna pretend it was a 2 & say Stiles. If I can't kill Isaac, the back-up plan is Stiles. I've already killed Lydia. Scott & Kira can live (now that almost everyone they love is dead, oops?). Wasn't that fun? Now, I better go write it.. Be back when I'm done murdering everyone!

September 20, 2016- I'm so slow writing this. God, I don't know how people are still reading. I'm still thinking of killing Stiles. I'm at the part where Lita first hears him in the tunnels. I want to kill him. It's 4am, I should probably go back to writing so I can get this published & kill the rest. I forgot I was going to kill Isaac & Derek. Yikes. On the bright side, I referenced Supernatural like 3 times & am totally considering a spin-off.

October 23, 2016 (3am)- bloody hell I'm a slow writer. But Lita stabbed Stiles, so I guess I'm getting somewhere. I once again forgot I planned to kill Isaac & Derek— I don't see myself going through with it. Not with killing Isaac, anyway. And I don't really know how I'm going to kill Derek. Lita won't survive long in a fight, and I don't want to give them the chance to leave Oak Creek. But I also need them at the school. It's 3:03am. How the hell am I going to end this chapter?

October 23, 2016 (3:30am)- I know how I'm going to end this chapter. New plan: Scott, Isaac & Malia are the only ones who survive. Malia kills Lita because as much as I lowkey shipped them, I ship Malisaac more HA I'm such an ass.

October 31, 2016- y'know, I have a pretty rad idea. I completely forgot all the shit above. I had this idea last week. Send help.

November 1, 2016- fuck my rad idea. Derek can live. As expected, I couldn't kill Isaac. So Malia killed Lita. Stiles lived. Kira lived, by the way. Really the only additional deaths were Lydia & Noshiko. I wanted to do more, but I had to keep it realistic.

8. You can probably now tell that I change my mind a lot. The making of just about everything in the story went exactly as the scene above did. I'm very indecisive.

9. The reason Lita & the nogitsune didn't ever end up together (fuck) is because it just isn't something that would happen. I watched the nogitsune closely, I really tried to accurately portray him in off script scenes. He's a demon, he doesn't care about people. He never liked Lita at all. The only reason he kissed her was to control her. He led her on as though he was interested, because that's what he needed to do to get her to play the game exactly how he wanted her to. She was a form of entertainment, a comedic sideshow to him & nothing else.

10. If I ever make a sequel for Lost Cause, the title will be Lost Soul. I've had that in my mind since I first settled on this book's name & I've never considered anything else. I love matching titles.

11. Lita was never supposed to be as crazy as she is, in the ways that she is. She was supposed to be driven insane by the voices in her head, brainwashed to believe that she was someone beyond the point of saving & careless of whether or not she lived or died. But when I went to write it, I got on this path of an upbeat, happy psychopath & just couldn't seem to get off of it. I like her better this way.

12. I did consider making Lita a werewolf. She would have tried to fight Scott at the end of Insatiable before Allison died & gotten scratched— but she wouldn't have turned. It would have killed her. Stiles would've died in this version.

13. I also considered having the nogitsune kill Lita. Before I decided on Malia killing her, I was debating on whether or not he should decide she's more trouble than she's worth & stab her, then go on a rant about how he never cared about her & she was nothing more than a commercial break to keep him entertained while Scott & his friends were recovering.

That's all, folks! Looney Tunes references are the shit. But uh, anyways, I hope you've enjoyed the story & I'm so proud of myself for finishing it. Honestly this story was one I never thought would last— I updated so rarely. I lost motivation for like 6 months once. It almost got unpublished a few times, it was put on hold; but I kept it because I loved it, and I'm so glad because I couldn't be happier with the end result.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck around, despite my extremely infrequent updates & I hope you'll continue to enjoy my future projects. I'm currently in the midst of an Isaac fanfiction, Unbroken, and am in the process of republishing my Liam fanfic, Daughter of Anarchy. I also have two possible upcoming fics: the first being Celeste, another Teen Wolf fanfiction & Sivan, an original story I will probably never end up publishing. But I like to add this little shameless self promotion for the sake of looking back on it in the future & seeing what I did end up doing, and what remained in my drafts.

I don't know how to end this, so uh..

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