thirty seven

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It's been around a week and a half since my brothers went round to Matt's to teach him a lesson. Corey took further action and kicked him off the football team. At college, Hannah and Adam haven't been in much, so I've spent most of my time with the twins

Mum Facetimed us all last night, she's super excited to see us all. She comes home in a few days, I have to admit, I haven't really missed her as much as I thought. When someone constantly leaves you, the feeling becomes the norm, in this case, I'm used to having my brothers care for me. When she arrives home, I'll go along with everything and say I missed her, it's easier than causing a scene really

It's currently 4am on Thursday morning, the sun is beginning to rise, casting orange skies around it. The moment is picturesque and I spend some time just standing at my window and looking out. The reason I am up at 4am is because I couldn't sleep. I kept having flashbacks from that day at school where Abbie and I had a fight, the memories were coming back to me, and they weren't pleasent to try and deal with

I accepted the fact I couldn't sleep, so I decided to make my way downstairs and sit in the kitchen with a cup of tea and to look out from the kitchen window

Tiptoeing downstairs, I could hear Elliott snoring, it was so loud and annoying. As I stepped foot into the kitchen and began to prepare my drink, I recieved a text from Mum -

Hi gorgeous girl, I hope you are ok and aren't being too much trouble for your brothers! Remember, they are in charge whilst I'm away. See you soon hun, love you xxxx

I ignored her text as there was little I could reply to

The kettle boiled quickly and I made my drink, sitting up at the table and staring out of the window

"What are you doing up at 4am?" Brandon yawned, sitting up at the table with me

"I could ask you the same thing" I chuckled

He peered into my mug and smirked "Fancy making me a drink too?"

I nodded and began making him a cup of tea, whilst we had a chat

"You not tired?" I asked him, noticing he was sat slumped in his chair and was tapping on his phone

He looked up at me "No, not really" he yawned

"Whatever you say Brands" I giggled

"Anyway, why are you awake at this time?" he asked as I placed his drink down

I took a sip from my own drink "I just couldn't sleep, you?"

"Me too kid" he ruffled my hair

Sitting silently, neither of us spoke for a few moments. The silence was deafening and it was killing me every second, but I had nothing to say

"Do you want to go for a drive?" he asked me, picking up his car keys "4am drives are something else, the roads are empty and the town is all asleep"

I nodded and accepted his offer, slipping my black vans on. Looking down at my leggings and oversized top, my pyjamas were all I had on, I didn't bother getting changed

Sitting up front, we had no idea where we would drive to, no destination, just a casual 4am drive

"Lex..can I ask you something?"

My head turned to him "Sure, what's up?"

Before replying, he was silent for a few seconds, almost as if he was unsure of how to word his question

"A-am I a bad brother? Please be honest"

"Um what makes you ask?" I stammered, questioning his intentions

Brandon sighed "Just answer the question please"

"You're not a bad brother by any means. I can't label you with that, because 'bad' covers too many factors. You're mean and strict, bossier than Ell and the twins. I sometimes get scared when I'm in trouble that you'll hurt me or whatever. Yet, when I need you Brands, you step up and protect me, such as when you taught Matt a lesson. I can't fault you on that. So, no, you're not a bad brother" I told him truthfully

He placed his hand on my shoulder "Thanks sis, sometimes I just worry"

"Worry about what?"

"That I don't always treat you with respect, sometimes I worry I'm too mean or harsh with you. I don't want to be the mean, scary older brother, I want to be the one you can come to when you need me, the one who can be there for you when you need it" he explained

I shook my head "Brands, I love you! You defended me when you went to Matt's. You've looked after me and cared for me, stepping up to the parent role"

We parked up at a layby, the roads were empty, the streets were quiet and not a sound was heard from the city

Brandon ruffled my hair "I do love you. If you ever need me I'll be here"

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