fourty two

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"Half time" the referee called out

I ran to Coach and grabbed my water bottle, chugging it down in the hope it would hydrate me fast. It's warm outside, around 24°C, which you'll know is warm if you live in England

"You're doing good guys" Coach nodded "We're winning by 2 goals"

Harry ran his fingers though his hair "Wilson's the one scoring them all"

I smirked "It's not all me, we work as a team"

"It's not all me, we work as a team" he mimicked "When will you get your head out of your ass and believe it? You've scored the past 8 goals, they're only on 6, none of us have had a chance to actually score"

"Come off it Harry, I scored two" James defended "Corey's a good player. It's almost like you don't want us to win"

Everyone's eyes were on Harry, but there was no time to argue - half time was up and we took our positions again. The final half was going to be intense, we have to win this, especially for Coach Rick; it would make him so happy to have us win our final match


"GO ON COREY" a guy cheered from behind us, as Corey scored another goal, making it 9:6

Alexa was clapping her hands "I'm so proud of him"

We spoke too soon, as the other team quickly scored another two goals, meaning it was a very close game. The team they're playing against are good, but nothing compared to our college. According to Corey, they've won 35/50 games, that's pretty impressive

"Oh my gosh he's going to score!" Alexa cheered, as James scored a goal himself 

She was engrossed for the whole game, watching it carefully and cheering every time we scored a goal. I've never seen her so intently watching a game before

Unfortunately, Brandon and Elliott weren't watching, they couldn't take the time from work. It sucks considering it's his last game, but they told us that their managers won't let them have the time off

The final few minutes were ticking by, the tension was thick and everyone was on the edge of their seats. These final few minutes would make all the difference

The crowds were going crazy, kids were cheering and the teachers had come down to support the guys. It wasn't like the matches you see on TV, we weren't behaving as rowdy as those audiences, but we were engaged with the team and chanted for them every so often

Moments later, the whistle sounded, Alexa and I jumped out of our seats, as did the rest of us who were supporting our team.  It only was the match over, but we won!"

We had ended up on 11:9, which is an amazing score to finish on. As the two teams finished up and did their usual congratulating each other, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face

Before we all went onto the pitch, Coach and the team has their photograph taken with the trophy. I felt on top of the world, I'm so proud of Corey and happy that they've won this


I grabbed Luke's as we ran onto the pitch, alongside the other guys' family and friends. Corey was stood with James, Alfie and the team, they were red faced and sweaty, I ignored that and ran up to Corey, embracing him in a hug

"Well done Corey!" I hugged him "Well done boys"

"Aw Thanks shorty" he pulled me into a sweaty hug and ruffled my hair "Sorry about the smell"

I stuck out my tongue and pulled away from him, holding my nose as I teased him "You need to shower"

"I know I know" he chuckled, his smile faded and he scratched his head, almost like he was disappointed in something

"Psst, you okay?" I whispered

"I wish Ells and Brandon could have been here to see us play" he admitted

Luke sighed "I wish they could have seen that game. They'd be so proud to have seen you score them goals, but they can't get the time from work"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that" a familiar voice said behind us

We turned in unison to see Elliott and Brandon

"What are you guys doing here?" Corey gasped

"We've been here the whole time silly" Elliott hit him playfully

"I don't get it, I thought you couldn't get it off?" Corey furrowed his brows

The two eldest brothers looked at each other and chuckled "You really think I'd miss my little brothers final match? No way on this earth would I miss it" Brandon smiled

"We sat up at the back, we wanted it to be a surprise" Elliott added

The five of us had a family hug, but it wasn't for long as Corey smelled really bad, which was the worst for me since I was right next to him

"Well done Wilson" Coach nodded as he walked past "I'll catch up with you soon"

As a family, we're so proud of each other and the achievements we all gain. Just as we went to leave, Brandon stoped us in our tracks

"Keep back guys" he put his hands out like a barrier, stoping me from moving

"What are you doing here?" Elliott growled

"Surprise, children"

The Youngest Of Five (COMPLETED) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora