fourty nine

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"Alexa..can I come in?" Mark asked, knocking on my bedroom door

I stuck out my bottom lip "I guess so?"

Mark walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed, he had a faint smile on his face

"Are you okay?" he sighed, as if he had seen this happen before

Shrugging, I replied to him with no words

"What was that all about downstairs?" he put his hand on my upper arm in a comforting way

I used the back of my hand to wipe the tear that was falling from my eye, took a deep breath and pulled myself together mentally

"I-I don't know. Honestly"

Mark raised a brow "Come on..that wasn't over nothing"

"Who sent you? Was it Brandon? I knew it!" I rolled my eyes

"No, it was nobody. Honest. I came off my own accord because I could see you were upset, and I want to make sure you're alright"

I looked at him, he had a gentle look on his face, as if he wanted to be there to comfort me and help me in the situation I was now in

"Do you want to know the truth?" I mumbled

Mark nodded "Whatever you feel comfortable telling me"

Taking a deep breath, I opened up to him "I hate it, I hate how my brothers are always controlling my life. I hate how I'm supposed to have my whole life figured out, when I'm only 17. I hate how the twins are moving out to University and have their lives figured out. I hate how I'm gonna be left behind by them all, because they've got good lives ahead of them and I've got nothing. I hate how I've always been compared to them in school. I hate how I'm gonna be stuck here forever because I'm doing bad at school and I'm failing my classes. I hate how everythings changing, and I get told off for shit that the guys can get away with. I hate being the only girl"

By know, I was crying, as usual. The tears were flowing. Mark had his arm around me and was helping to calm me down, rubbing my upper arm

"I can see you're upset. Don't worry about it all, because in the end, everything will work out well. Your brothers care about you and want to look afrer you, I know what it's like, having two younger sisters; I wanted to protect them forever, I still feel protective of them now! Trust me when I say this, but nobody expects you to have your future mapped our at 17, you'll figure it out when the time is right. You won't be left behind, don't say that, because you've got your Mum and I, as well as four brothers; they will not leave you behind. In the words of Lilo and Stich - Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. You have got an amazing life mapped out, you just don't know it yet because it's all going to come slowly. You're 18 soon, and life will change, it will be amazing and you'll realise how good it is! Also, it's normal in schools for siblings to be compared to each other! My sister's used to ger compared to me, I was a pretty bad kid, and all the teachers assumed my sisters would be bad too, so don't worry - it happens to everyone! If you're failing your classes, I can try offer you a hand or help you seek the help you need to bump up your grades. You won't be stuck here forever, most people move out of their home town, only you can decide where you move to. At 17, a lot of things do seem to change, it's the final age before you become a legal adult over here, am I right? Life changes for everyone, it's what shapes your experiences and helps you on the road to growing up. Being the only girl is pretty special, think of if this way, you've got four brothers to care for you and beat up the guys who break your heart, you don't have any sisters to steal your clothes or makeup!"

I was shocked at his words, everything he said seemed so 'right', like it was what I had been waiting to hear for ages

I looked at him and smiled "Thankyou Mark, you seem to know what to say to my problems, that's more than what my Dad has ever done for me in the years he was with me"

He brought me into a hug and kissed the top of my head "I'm always here if you wish to speak. Now, I don't know about you, but when I'm sad, ice cream usually cheers me up, do you wanna get some ice cream?"

A smile grew on my face and I nodded "I'd like that, thanks!"

I followed Mark downstairs, my brothers all turned their heads when they saw me stood at the bottom of the stairs

"We've had a chat, a long one, and I think a lot of stuff has got on top of me. I'm sorry guys" I looked down at my feet

Elliott came over to me "Don't apologise silly. We're family, we forgive and forget pretty easily. You should know that by now" he ruffled my hair

"Thanks Ells, I love you bro" I whispered, giving him a hug

"I love you too kiddo" he returned the hug

Mark told the guys we were grabbing some icecream, the nearest parlour is a ten minute journey, and since he doesn't know our area, I suggested we walk

"Thanks again for what you said to me" I smiled at him

He put an arm around me "You don't have to thank me, it's what I'd do for anyone"

I take back what I said, I like Mark, he seems like a nice guy

He's better than my real Dad anyways

A lot better

The Youngest Of Five (COMPLETED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ