Chapter Seven

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Mr. Mendes held my hand as we walked through stores. He held a large bag or two and I had one, a black and gold Yves Saint Laurent bag that held a new pair of boots and a bunch of smaller ones that held things like earrings and bracelets. I kind of felt bad, but then again, I didn't as he constantly reminded me of his millions upon millions upon millions of dollars.

So the guilt slowly faded away into excitement for new clothes and jewelry.

There was however, one catch to this all. Everything I bought, Mr. Mendes had to approve of it, which meant he had to see what it looked like. I didn't mind.

"We gotta leave soon babygirl, I gotta go to my concert." He said and I nodded. "I want you to be there so I can show you what happens, how to set up amps, fix the lighting, and do background effects."

I nodded excitedly and he chuckled. "Grab whatever you like doll." He said and I stepped into Sephora to buy more makeup because let's be real, you can never have too much makeup. There is no such thing.

He followed me in and looked around, keeping his sunglasses on as he crossed his arms. He kind of looked like a bodyguard, and most people probably thought he was as they stepped away from me when I went to talk to them.

Did I seem that important?

I picked up a liquid matte lipstick test tube and did a swatch on the back of my hand. Mr. Mendes commented that he liked the shade ans the his hand was wrapping around my waist. "Fans spotted me." He whispered and I nodded.

"We can go then. This color is ugly anyways. It's more pink than it is red." I said and pointed out how it's undertones just stand out too much to match up to the color of the actual color of the tube.

"No, grab what you like, I just wanted you to know in case I step aside for pictures and you don't see me." He told me and I nodded.

"They're your fans, go ahead." I said and he nodded. "Make their dreams come true." I told him as I looked at a palette of different shades of nude eyeshadow.

I hummed, thinking it was the most beautiful thing ever, and then saw Mr. Mendes with his fans. He was smiling and laughing with them, so I left him to be with them as I looked around the store.

I looked at the palette and noticed it was nearly a hundred dollars for about six colors. I understood though, it was so cute and more of a 'luxurious' brand of makeup.

And here comes the guilt.

I debated on putting it back, but when I felt arms wrap around my waist, I decided against it so I didn't have to hear the 'sugar daddy concept is me buying you expensive things and blah blah blah' speech again. I also didn't want it to seem like I didn't want this relationship, because I did. I'm just too new to it and too nice of a person to make people spend money on me like this, honestly.

"Grab what you like?" He asked and I looked at him. I nodded and he took it. "Let's go pay for it."


He took the palette and then went to the cash register. He pulled his credit card out and I couldn't help but wonder why we acted so much like a couple but we weren't. Sure we had to act for people, but this act happens behind camera lenses too.

I wanted to ask, but as he handed me the Sephora bag, I decided against it. The realization would probably make things different, and I kind of liked how things were right now. It was barely the beginning, I couldn't fuck this up now.

I got sex, a boyfriend (pretty much), and expensive gifts; it's amazing. Isn't this what most girls wanted? If so, why did it feel slightly less exciting and exhilerating then it used to seem like to me?


"Are you ready?" I asked and he nodded as he bounced up and down. His electric guitar was resting on its stand, his usual casual attire of a thin grey shirt long sleeve and black jeans on.

"Ecsatic." He said and smiled. "I hope I don't mess up." He told me and I shook my head.

"You'll do fine." I promised him as he just smiled nervously. It was like he'd never been on a stage before.

"Wish me luck?" He asked as he grabbed his electric guitar. I nodded as he put it over his shoulder and then grabbed a guitar pick.

"Good luck." I said and Shawn thanked me as he took a deep breath. "I'll be in the front row."

"I'll be looking for you." He said and gave me a quick kiss. "Alright, I'm out now." He said and then walked onstage.

Crew members watched me wearily as I went out to the crowd. I heard his opening song and I managed to get in the front with some of his fans. Those who got mad, well I just slipped them a VIP pass or two, then it was all good.

I watched him and a couple of his fans asked me if we were dating. I just nodded and gave them a smile. "We have been for awhile now." I told them, not getting too specific so Mr. Mendes could come up with specifics himself.

The fans seemed irritated as they just nodded, suddenly uninterested in me. I wasn't hurt by it honestly. I just ignored them. It's not like I really cared about how they felt about me. They didn't have to like me, they just had to get used to the fact I was 'dating' their idol.

My full focus was the concert after I pulled myself from my thoughts, watching as Mr. Mendes put his all into his performance. It's barely one song in, but I can already tell he's extremely passionate about his performances and his career. He's also very talented, so it just such a wonderful show.

I was too focused on him ass he moved about on stage, my arms folded under my chest as I swayed side to side. I was tempted to pull my phone out and turn the flashlight on to move it side to side, but I didn't. Maybe later when arms more passionate song comes on. Right now, this was more upbeat and fun and should be enjoyed in the moment.

I pulled my shirt down as it rode up and the security guard walked over to me, asking me if I was going to stay for all of the concert. "Well yeah..." I said and he nodded, standing by the stage in front of me.

He was almost like my own bodyguard. He followed me around everywhere, inside of the venue and out. I didn't quite understand why. I wasn't the important one, but I guess Mr. Mendes thought it was necessary.

I hummed along to the song, and couldn't help but smile when his face would scrunch up while hitting a long or higher note. It was actually the cutest thing ever because he'd usually smile right after as he sang.

As the concet went on, I realized a couple of things. First of all, while being in a crowd with people pushing up against you and jumping around you, it gets hot really fast. Second of all, when Mr. Mendes has a rasp or growl to his voice, it's fucking hot. Lastly, without his guitar, his hands just touch all over the mic stand and microphone itself and I can only imagine how many people were feeling jealous of a fucking microphone stand.

I was jealous of the mic stand myself, but after I remembered I could go backstage and have him all over me like that if I wanted, it faded away.

He looked over at me and smiled, shaking his head ands he sang his hit Mercy. This song itself was beautiful, the emotion he put in it was even more beautiful, and it was just an experience that was indescribable. You just had to be here to fully understand just how amazing this was.

I felt like I was enjoying this way more than I should, but I really didn't care. I was having fun.

(Should I add smut to this story or no because I want to but I know not everyone likes to read it you feel?)

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