Chapter Twenty-Six

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- super short chapter but that's okay because the next one is going to be the normal 2000+ word length! hope you guys are ready because lately all my chapters have been short -

"Where the hell did you girls go?" G asked us when we walked inside of the house. "All we got was this note!"

"Hey were leaving for a bit, see you soon. We'll be back." JJ read and I laughed, looking at Madison. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because I didn't realize how blunt it was." She said and put an arm over my shoulders. "Us girls went to do some very important business."

"You two by yourselves?"

"KiKi came, but we dropped her off at her boyfriend's." I said and they nodded. "We went so see Shawn, tell him some things."

"What was so important you had to go to wherever you were for a week?" G asked and Madison hummed.

"Can I tell them?" Madison asked and I bit my bottom lip. "If Shawn was excited, they will be too."

"I'll do it." I said and she nodded. "So, I've been experiencing exhuastion, mood swings, and morning sickness. You wanted to take me to a doctor, but it's okay because I kinda pieced together all the symptoms. There's only one conclusion, I'm going to have a baby."

They reacted the same as Shawn, only instead of asking about being the father, they asked about being the god parents and 'uncle's.

"No, I get to be the god father because I actually have a girlfriend to be bet  godmother!"

"No way dude, Monica and I are like brother and sister already!"

"Actually, KiKi and Jonah are the godparents." Madison said and Jack complained. "They've known her longest."

"Is this why we caught you crying before?" JJ asked and I nodded. "What changed your mind? You look a hell of a lot happier."

"Now I know Shawn is going to be there and I have a bunch of friends to help me when he's not here, I feel better. It kinda slapped me in the face." I said and G rolled his eyes.

"KiKi slapped sense into you huh?" He asked and I nodded.

"Is the mark still there?" I asked and they laughed. "I'm fine. I had a dream last night about what it'd be like if I had a kid and I'm kinda hoping it goes exactly like that. It was the best."

"I'm happy for you Moni." JJ smiled and went up to me, giving me a hug. "Next time tell us where you're going! We were worried!"

"That as all my idea, I'll admit." I told them and then laughed as Mads chuckled.

"She forced me to go along with it." She told them and I nodded, admitting to that aswell. "We only needed to stay a day or two... we stayed a week so I could go shopping and talk to some people about my career. Sorry babe." She said, talking to G and givng him a kiss.

"You counting on a boy or girl?" JJ asked and I shrugged honestly.

"I want a boy, Shawn wants a girl." I told him and he laughed.

"Does your family know yet?" He asked asked we went to go sit down in the living room. Jack and Madison stayed by the door, making out and what now.

"My dad is out of my life, so he doesn't have to know. My half-sister is with him, so she doesn't count. My mom... I have no idea where she is. When I left to live with KiKi in our apartment, she moved away. She told me over the phone so I couldn't get an address and all. What family am I supposed to tell?" I asked and he set a hand on my knee.

"Hey, I'm sorry to hear." He told me and I shrugged. "I didn't mean-"

"It's fine." I laughed and scratched the back of my head. "KiKi's family is like my own. We'll tell them soon, after I find a job and we get an apartment again."

"Sounds like a plan." He told me and I nodded as I ran a hand through my messy hair. "So Shawn and you..."

"We're fine. He told me that he's excited to be a father and wants to try this one more time. So we're gonna forget about our past relationship and start over." I told him and he nodded.

"I'm happy for you. You got your happily ever after, after all." He said and I smiled.

"I guess... I guess I did." I told him and he leaned back into the couch. "Thank you for everything JJ, you and G."

"Don't mention it." He said and ruffled my hair. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"I'll always keep that in mind." I told him and he nodded as Madison and G walked in, sitting down on the opposite couch.

"What see you guys talking about?" G asked, putting his arm around Madison.

"The future." JJ said simply and he nodded as he told us that'll fuck us up. "It's good to be planned out."

"I guess man." G said and chuckled, a random conversation starting about what we should eat for dinner.

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