Chapter Thirteen

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"Yes doll?"

"Can I borrow your driver?" I asked and he rose an eyebrow at me. "I wanna go get something real quick. Please."

"And what would that be love?" He asked and I tried to think something up on the spot.

"It's a surprise, for you." I said and he hummed. "I promise I won't cause trouble." I told him and he thought about it.

"How long will you be out?"

"Not too long, twenty or thirty minutes." I said and he nodded. He handed me his credit card and I took it without question.

"Alright, that's fine. Don't be too much trouble, and please don't go crazy with my card. My bank asked if someone stole my card because I spent so much so quickly." He reminded and I promised that I wouldn't. "He's in the front of the bus, just tell him where and he'll take the Range Rover."

"Thank you!" I said and he just nodded as I gave him a kiss. "You're the best daddy."

"You're welcome babygirl."

I straightened the black long sleeved shirt I had on and then put my phone in my back pocket. I saw the driver and smiled. "Hey, I hate to be a bother, but do you mind driving me somewhere real quick?"

"Not at all. Where to Ms. Ramirez?" He asked me and I motioned him to walk up to me. He did as I said and I whispered my answer in his ear. "What for?"

"Surprise for Mr. Mendes, that's all." I replied and he nodded as he took the keys off of the counter. "Thank you!" I chirped happily and he nodded.

"Of course, it's my job." He said and I just shrugged.

"Doesn't matter if it's your job or not, everyone deserves to feel appreciated for doing something for someone else. Even of its really simple." I said and he shrugged.

"I guess." He told me and we left the bus, walking into the Range Rover.


I lifted my sunglasses on top of my head, squinting my eyes to find the two Jacks. I saw a small blonde running through a group of girls, and he's was laughing as he looked around.

He saw me and then walked up. "Monica?" He asked and I nodded. "You sure?"

"In the flesh and blood my dear. Need an ID?" I said and he smiled as he shook his head. "Is Gilinsky coming?" I asked and he pointed to the sea of girls

"He's preoccupied."

"Aren't you a duo? Shouldn't you be preoccupied too?" I asked and he shrugged as he dropped his sunglasses.

"It's whatever, ya know?" He said and I shrugged my own shoulders. "Do I get a hello?"

"Hello." I said and just laughed. "What? Do I not get one back?"

"Hey." He smiled and I nodded as I looked for Gilinsky. "I'm putting my bags in the car." He informed me and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Go ahead, it should be clear." I told him and he left. I saw Gilinsky walk out after taking pictures and signing boobs, and he saw me.

"Monica!" He said and we shared a hug. "Shawn isn't here?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Nah, this is a surprise, remember?" I said and he nodded. "Johnson is in the car already."

"Of course. Anyways, you look good." He said and I thanked him.

"Let's go." I said and he nodded again. I took him to the car out front and then opened the door, seeing Johnson in the passenger seat already. "Oh hell-"

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