Bang, Bang, You're Alive

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There's more dracs than i expected there to be. Just from where i am standing as i watch the fight, i can count at least fifteen of them, all descending on the four killjoys like hunting dogs to rabbits. However the four are giving back all they've got, already having taken down at least five of the dracs. I can see a bright red mop of hair on one of them, who is fighting three dracs at once.

I leave my bike a safe distance away, not wanting anyone to spot it and try to steal it whilst my back is turned. By this point i've pulled my ray gun out of my boot and am running over the sandy dune, stopping at the top so i can get a clear view of the fight.

All the killjoys have their work cut out, but the redhead is especially outnumbered, the dracs just seem to keep heading for him. By this point i'm assuming he's Party Poison, simply because he's always been renown for good aim and as i watch him shoot two dracs will one shot, it's easy to make an educated guess.

"Ghoul - behind you!' he yells, making one of the other killjoys jump and turn around just in time to stop an advancing drac. Ghoul - or as i've heard him described before as Fun Ghoul - doesn't seem at all fazed by his close encounter, and keeps spinning and shooting.

However Party's too busy looking at where the other killjoys are to see the drac that comes up behind him. He's successfully knocked from his feet by a kick to the knees, rolling over in the sand to face the drac that is now aiming a gun at his face.

Something within me snaps, jolting me back into the realisation that i'm not here to watch the fight - i'm here to help them. I can't stand by and watch one of the leaders of the killjoys get blasted in the head, no matter weather i'm part of their ranks or not.

In a flash my ray gun in off safety - i don't even have to look down the barrel of the gun to get a clear aim on the drac's back. In one fluid motion i've shot him, his limp body falling to the ground and temporarily crushing Party Poison. He soon pushes the body away though, picking up his gun in the process. It's then that he looks up and spots me standing on the top on the sand bank, my hair billowing over my shoulders as i stare right back.

His eyes are hidden behind a yellow mask, but i still clearly see his jaw slacken in surprise.

"Party!" A killjoy with blonde hair yells. Party immediately spins around and shoots one of the last dracs standing, leaving his friends to take care of the rest. But by the time he's turned back around to look at me, i'm already running back in the opposite direction. The dune hides me from his view, but i can still hear him call out, probably trying to follow me.

By this point i've reached my bike, figuring there's no point in staying around. I'll just get thanked and asked to join the killjoy's ranks. And when i refuse they'll want to know why. There's no way i want to go into my past.

this is why i don't help out i think to myself. I just get involved and end up with someone thinking they're in my debt, when actually i just want to be left alone. I don't regret it though - Party looked like he was a good force to have against BL/ind, so if i had let him die then i would only be contributing to the losing battle against Korse.

There's definite footsteps coming over the dune now, but by this point i've already kicked the ignition into start, revved the engine and started to speed back the way i came. I know they won't catch up with me - i'm already halfway down the highway and unlike them, i know where i'm heading.

I've already decided in a split second where I'll go. It's not the most exciting of places, but I'll head to the bar. I know that the fabulous four will be a mere mile behind me, and I'm not feeling like socialising. So I pull up outside the place I could almost call work.

The Lone Killjoy (Party Poison/Gerard Way fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora