Attractively Annoying

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I wake up the next day to the sound of banging on the door. It's just gone sunrise, so normally i would be awake, but i'm not sure to sleeping here and the angle of the bed means that the sun doesn't hit me straight on whilst i sleep. Normally, back at my place, the first few rays will catch on the old light and shine right in my face, waking me up, but here that isn't the case. 

"Spark?" Kobra calls through the door. "You awake?" 

"I am now" I call back, ruffling my blue mess of hair. The bed has been comfortable, and part of me wants to just stay there curled up and sleep away the day. But that's just what remains of the childhood me, the normal version has me swinging my feet over the bed and jumping to my feet with a cat-like stretch. 

"Okay, well the others want to get going soon, so if you want to go and get some breakfast then help yourself" he says, voice bouncing through the small crack in the door.

"Thanks" i yell after his already retreating footsteps. It's then that i fish around in my jacket pocket, pulling out the small compact hairbrush i carry around with me. After a few tugs through the knots my hair is once again presentable, so all i need to do is pull on my jacket and boots. Once i've done that i'm all ready, so i head down the corridor. 

In the daylight i can see that there's a mural on one wall of the corridor. It's done all in spray paint, i think, with bright explosions of colour and graceful swirls. I stand still for a moment and study it, seeing that it's meant to be an explosion of colour, infecting the otherwise grey wall. In the centre of the explosion is a ground of figures who i assume are meant to be the killjoys, turning Korse's grey world back into colour. 

"Do you like it?" 

I jump, spinning around with my hand automatically reaching towards my boot, where my ray gun sits, before i realise that it's only Party, and stop my hand, using it to cross my arms instead. He's leaning against the wall with one eyebrow arched, and although i hate to admit it, i can't help but think he looks attractive. 

Annoying as fuck, but attractive. 

"Wait, you did this?" I motion to the art in front of me. 

"You sound surprised" he chuckles "but yeah, it was me. I did it a while back when we first discovered this place. It needed a splash of colour, and we still had some leftover paint from spraying the trans am. Do you like it?" 

"Yes" I admit, tracing one of the red splatters with my index finger "it's amazing. Not that you really need the ego boost, but you're very talented." 

"Did you just compliment me?" He teases, stepping closer. 

"Alright, don't get too big headed about it or i'll take it back" I go to smack his arm but he catches my hand before it can make contact with his bicep. We stand still for a moment, me having to hold back what i could've almost sworn was a blush when i realise how close we are to one another. After a moment he let's go of my hand, and i let out a breath. 

"Come on then, we need to go see Dr D and debrief. And he wants to meet you too whilst we're there. You've escaped him for too long apparently" He gestures to the door, and as we walk outside i wonder what the infamous Dr D will be like. 

"He does know that just because i'm meeting him doesn't mean i want to join the killjoys, right?" I frown as me and Party walk out into the rising morning heat. It's not too bad yet as the day is only just beginning. 

"Yeah, but he'll probably try and convince you otherwise" As he speaks i notice that we've walking away from the diner and towards the main road. 

"Hey, if the car needs repairing then how are we getting there, and where are the others?" I look back at the diner, hoping Party hasn't forgotten. The last thing i need is a mess up that results in these errands taking even longer than needed. 

The Lone Killjoy (Party Poison/Gerard Way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now