The Best Ideas Come At Night

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 i'm nearly always asleep the moment i lie down to rest, but not tonight. Maybe it's been having to talk to people, being all but pushed into a corner by Fun Ghoul or the fact that the energy that emits from The Battery is still fresh within my mind, but i can't seem to drift off. 

Instead i lie in my makeshift bed, an arm resting underneath my head as i stare out the crack in the boarded up window. A slither of moonlight is seeping through into the room and illuminating my other hand, which is resting across my stomach. 

 My mind wanders over the events of the day. Sure, it was a busy one, but i've had worse. I guess it is more the fact that i was going to have to deal with the consequences that has me worrying. I mean, i'm use to having to kill off dracs or covering up my mistakes, but this isn't like my normal day to day problems. I can't just take the fabulous four of the grid. I saved them and now they seemed to want to get to know me. 

Of all the people i could've chosen to be generous to and i have to pick them. And not just any of them, but the fucking leader. Party Poison knows his shit, and if anyone will be able to track me down then it'll be him and his friends. 

Especially now Fun Ghoul's talked to me. I know Crash wouldn't say anything outright about me, but i also know that he wouldn't lie to them. If they asked him outright about me, then he'd easily spill all that he knew. Not that anyone is very knowledgeable about me. He doesn't know where i sleep at night, or where i go in my day. All he knows is that i turn up at The Battery every other night or so to put in a shift and that i don't really tend to make conversation unless i have to. 

He does know my name though, and that's enough to open a few doors for Party and co. Especially when everyone around here always behave like total asswipes when it comes to those four. All they have to do is snap their fingers and people coming, such is their reputation. Not that they don't deserve it i guess. They've lead countless successful mission and probably exterminated thousands of dracs, coming close to even getting Korse himself once. 

Your brain always seems to worry more at night. You'd think it would be the opposite really, with you drifting off and reality fading away, but for some reason the brain always picks that moment of quiet to bring up all your worries and anxieties, making you uncomfortable. You don't want to think of them, and yet there's not much you can do. 

That seems to be what i'm experiencing right now. I toss and turn, my hair continuing to get in my face, and wish sleep would hurry up. I'll need all my energy tomorrow, especially as i intend on going to see Crash and asking him if anything happened after i left last night. What i do will depend on his answer. 

Worse comes to worse i'll make a trip out of zones six, which is where i'm currently curled up on the boarder of. The zones are full of killjoys, but zone six is the heart of the community. It's where you'll find the fabulous four, Dr D, Show Pony and all the leaders. All the same, i've been to zone three before and they also have a pretty firm base over there. It wouldn't take much fuel to go and hang around there for a day or two, maybe even see if i can devise a mission to battery city itself. 

My eyes wander to the map over near my boots. In the morning i'll take a look and see if there's anywhere that i could execute a solo raid on. Now the idea's come to me it's lodged in my mind. An adrenalin pumping robbery on a shop or two could work out well. It would take my mind off this crap and make me feel useful. 

With this new plan in my head, i finally drift off to sleep. 

Luckily i don't sleep in, despite my late night, and am up again with the sun. By the time it's risen completely my boots and jacket are on. I'm now sitting in the middle of the room, a can of power pup in my hand that i chew of distractedly, use to the foul taste by now, as i pour over the maps i possess of battery city and it's surrounding area. 

The Lone Killjoy (Party Poison/Gerard Way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now