5. Lincoln

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Declan York(keahu kahuanui)>>
"Stop fighting!" I screamed before slamming the back door and walking out to the middle of the yard and laying down on my back.

Lee and my parents had been screaming at each other all day and it was over stupid things like cleaning a plate off or leaving a cup sitting on the table and I was just tired of it.

Grayson had taken the twins to the park because he didn't want to intrude on family matters but in reality he loves the park more then the kids do.

I heard footsteps in the grass behind me.

"Who ever it is, I don't want to talk so please leave me alone" I said without looking to actually see who it was.

"Alright I guess I'll go" I smiled when I heard Declan's voice and before he knew it I was hugging him.

"Rough day it seems?" I didn't even bother responding because he already knew the answer.

Once I got enough hugging out of my system I sat back down on the grass and Declan say across from me. Usually on bad days like this he usually just let me rant so that's exactly what I did.

"They want him to be happy and to be safe and be home but they're just driving him away by being to strict, and Lee is trying but my parents are being overbearing" I huffed out.

"Well L, you're parents kinda have a right to be overbearing, I mean he has had a rough past and they're just trying to keep him on the right path" I mean to some degree I agreed with him.

"But Lee is not the type that changes when they put more pressure on him. He's the type that when things get to hard he does something bad and my parents don't realize that they're pushing him to that" I started to tear up but I quickly wiped them away.

"L, it's his first couple of days back home they're just doing what they think is best" he said in a soft.

"Well it's not right" I said and tears fell from my eyes. Declan scooted forward and pulled me into his chest and let me calm down.

"Declan,what did you do to my girlfriend?" I looked up when I heard Grayson's voice. He saw my red eyes and came over and grabbed me from Declan.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

"I don't want Lee to leave again" I said while looking at him.

"He's not, I promise" he said as he pulled me in for a hug, his chin rested on my head.

"Don't make promises you can't keep" I said while sniffling.

"I will tie him to his bed if I have too but he will never leave again" I let out a little laugh at the thought of Grayson trying to tie Lee to a bed.

"Where are the twins?" I asked.

"They are driving my car and running errands for me" he said sarcastically.

"Seriously, where are they?" I asked while letting out another laugh.

"They're in our bed watching tv" I pulled away from him and looked at him with concern.

"You left them alone on our bed?"I asked.

"No, Lees with them, I'm not stupid"I let out a breathe of air.

I was about ready to punch him since our bed is too tall for two years to be left alone on.

"Declan you can stay with Grayson for a little bit" I said while getting out of Grayson's arms and heading inside and up to my room

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