11. School

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Declan looked between us before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from Grayson.

"Leah wait" Grayson said.

Declan stopped and turned towards Grayson.

"This is not the place Grayson" Declan said and Grayson looked angry.

"I just want to talk to her" Grayson said and I turned around.

"Later" I told Grayson before grabbing Declan and walking away from Grayson.
"Ready for lunch?" Marcus asked as he came up and hooked his arm around my neck.

"Can't wait" I said sarcastically before slamming my locker shut.

We walked into the lunchroom and went to our table. Nobody was there yet so Marcus and I just sat down and started eating my lunch since he didn't want to buy one today.

"Hey L, your day been okay?" Declan asked as he sat down in front of Marcus and I.

I shrugged and kept my eyes on the grapes in my hand.

"Hey what happened?" Marcus asked softly and I looked up in time to see Declan raise an eyebrow at Marcus and give him a weird look.

"I don't want to talk about it because I don't want her to think she's getting under my skin" I said.

"Kelly?" Declan asked. I just nodded and continued eating my grapes.

I heard giggling and looked over to see a group of girls looking at me and laughing and then I watched them quickly turn away before I felt a body sit down next to me.

"Leah how's your day?" Lee asked.

"It's fine" I responded and I knew he looked at Declan and Marcus for confirmation because I saw both of them shake their heads no.

I knew Lee wouldn't ask about it right now so I just leaned my head against his shoulder and look at my phone. All day I kept looking at the two little humans that were keeping me sane.

"Hey Leah, can I come over after school?" My head snapped up to see Grayson sitting down next to Declan.

"You're not coming to my house" I said and I could see Lee grin from the corner of my eye.

"What? Why?" Grayson asked with a confused look on his face.

"Because you're not going to confuse my kids" he just looked at me to continue.

"You either choose to stay in our lives or you stay out, you do not get to pick and choose when you want to be there and when you don't. You are a father or you are just another guy I from high school. Pick one and then get back to me" With those final words I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria with Declan and Lee close behind.

"I personally think you should have just given him the option of staying the fuck out of your life and that's it" I smiled at Lee.

"He is still the father of my children, your niece and nephew. Even if you don't like him he's going to have to be around one way or another" I said just as the bitch herself walked around the corner.

"Well well well if it isn't the fake blonde of the hour" I said.

I had two guys with me nothing could stop me.

"Wow good insult" she replied. I heard Declan sigh and looked over to see him roll his eyes.

"What big man? Got something to say?" Kelly asked.

"I just don't understand how you are so desperate, that you go after a guy who is already in a committed relationship and has two kids" she rolled his eyes.

"Well it worked didn't it, I mean Gray left his baby mama over here for me so..." she said as she pushed through us to go into the cafeteria.

"Oh by the way his parents love me" and with that she turned around and walked into the cafeteria.

"Apparently his parents like fake bitches" Lee said before hooking his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't let her get to you" Lee said softly.

"I just want to go home" I said.

"I have a better idea" Lee said and dragged me down the hallway with Declan following behind.
"I needed this" I said as sat back in my seat. I let out the smoke from my mouth and handed the blunt back to Declan, who was in the back seat.

"I know" Lee said from the drivers seat. He was just smoking regular cigarettes since he was driving.

Lee had taken us to the spot we used to always go to, all three of us. It's a little secluded area in the woods where an abandoned oil rig was so there was a path to it.

"How long has it been since you've smoked?" Declan asked.

"Almost three years since I stopped when I found out I was pregnant" I said as I took the blunt back from Declan and took another hit.

"Well in that case keep that one, I'll just roll another one" he said as he pushed my hand back towards me.

Lee was not the only Evans child that had dabbled with drugs. I was just smart enough to not get caught. We both got into them around the same time. Lee had taught me everything there was to know about drugs and how to do them.

We both moved through the different types at the same time, we started with weed, which is the only drug I like. Then we moved to acid and ended with cocaine. Lee always watched over me and protected me when I tried new drugs and I loved him for that.

We headed back home around the time school ended and I felt so much better.

I was in a better mood and overall just happy until we pulled up to our house and I saw the car I didn't want to be there.

"Oh my fucking god" Lee groaned as he jumped out of the car and started towards the house we Declan and I close behind him.

"Can you not take a fucking hint?" Lee yelled as he burst through the front door and basically charged Grayson.

I quickly raced in front of Lee and pushed him back a little considering Grayson was holding Amelia.

"Calm down, it's okay" I said softly to Lee but Lee was not hearing it and kept staring Grayson down.

I whipped around and glared at Grayson before looking at Lincoln who was quietly watching us from the corner while simultaneously playing with blocks with Bentley.

"Lincoln can you please take Amelia and Bentley outside?" I said calmly even though it was through gritted teeth.

Lincoln quickly picked up Bentley and then walked over to Grayson and took Amelia from him and then silently walked out the front door.

As soon as I heard the door click shut I opened my mouth.

"Fuck you" I said and Grayson rolled his eyes.

"You have the nerve to come into my house and think everything's going to be okay again. Well guess what Grayson it's not, I heard all about your partying and all about your girls and how Kelly met your parents...." I saw Grayson cringe a little.

"You have a lot of work to do if you think your coming back here" I said.

"But before we continue, have you made your decision?"
Hey! Quickish update and I'm really proud of this chapter! I absolutely love it!

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