Chapter 8

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Mr. Darcy, who had noticed that Elizabeth was acting very differently than the last time they had met, was baffled when his good friend Bingley asked her to dance. For weeks he had listened to Bingley occasionally bring up the eldest sister's beauty, had listened to him speak of her grace. Yet he had asked Elizabeth Bennet to dance first, and he had barely looked at Jane! Mr. Bingley was merely being polite, as Elizabeth was obviously being pushed towards him, but Darcy had interpreted his asking Elizabeth to dance as a total shift in his attentions. Bingley had no intention of giving up on Jane, but Darcy, along with Mrs. Bennet and Jane, had seen his attention towards Elizabeth as such.

Darcy was now more determined than ever to right his wrong with Elizabeth. She was wrong for Bingley, far too witty and sharp for him. No, she needed someone whose wit would match her own. Darcy just wanted to distract her away from Bingley, with friendship of course, so that he could save Bingley. To do this, he would first have to find Charlotte Lucas and apologize to her, as the last time he and Elizabeth had conversed, she was quite cross with him for his actions regarding Ms. Lucas.

He had only visited the Lucases twice since the assembly at Meryton, both times Charlotte was out walking. In fact, Charlotte Lucas had spent a great deal of her time walking after she found out Edward Bennet was to be back. How could she face him again? She could not find an answer, but found that time alone, that she could get on walks, eased her nerves a bit. She knew she was going to see Edward again. There really was no use in avoiding him, they were bound to meet at some sort of gathering. This ball at the Bennets, was certain to have their paths cross again. Charlotte had to be brave, to face her fears and meet Edward with indifference. Yet even though she told herself she would have courage, when the time came to go to the ball at the Bennets, Charlotte feigned a headache. She was left behind, and did not come to the ball. Darcy did not yet know it, but he was most certainly not going to apologize to Charlotte Lucas that night.

Yet still he searched, and spent most of his night doing so, until he found Sir Lucas, and also found the news that Charlotte had not come. Elizabeth had seemed so cross with him about his behavior towards Charlotte, that Darcy felt he could not earn her favor without first apologizing to Ms. Lucas. He spent the rest of the night pouting.

Elizabeth really probably would have received Darcy's apology well, if he had endeavored to give it, as she was begging for a distraction from her situation with Bingley. Although he had asked her to dance initially, he immediately asked Jane for the next. With a stern look from her mother, Elizabeth again found herself throwing herself at Bingley. He didn't want to offend her, and so remained attentive to Elizabeth for the rest of the night. Elizabeth found it unbearably uncomfortable.

Jane was disappointed, and went
to her mother. Edward also remained at Mrs. Bennet's side. He had hoped to see Charlotte Lucas perhaps. Seeing her two most eligible children glum and not dancing, worried Mrs. Bennet greatly. She attacked Edward first. "Edward, you look so stern! Quite like your father," she teased. "Will you not dance tonight? It makes you seem most disagreeable! Perhaps you could dance with...." Mrs. Bennet struggled to find a suitable partner for her son. Her eyes found Caroline Bingley. She would do for a dance. "Ms. Bingley!" She exclaimed. Ms. Bingley looked towards Mrs. Bennet and smiled.

"Ms. Bingley, allow me to introduce my son, Edward Bennet!" Mrs. Bennet smiled. Edward acknowledged Caroline Bingley, as she beamed up at him. He was someday going to inherit Longbourn and the vast wealth associated with it. He was handsome, with dark, curly hair, and deep brown eyes. He reminded her a bit of Darcy, who she fancied, although his features were softer, his manner less severe. Darcy was rich and handsome, but Caroline found him intimidating. When she was around him, she tried to impress him with wit and elegance, yet he always seemed unswayed. Mr. Darcy didn't dislike Caroline Bingley, but he didn't like her either. Edward Bennet seemed kinder than Mr. Darcy upon first appearances, and although her first objective in marriage was to gain material and social benefits, she did believe some mutual affection would be desirable. She was determined to make a good first impression.

With urging looks from his mother, Edward calmly asked Caroline Bingley "If you are not otherwise engaged, would you do me the honor of dancing this next set with me?" She gladly accepted. As the dance began, Edward was focused on Charlotte Lucas. Silence ensued. Caroline, who wanted to impress, initiated conversation midway through the dance.

"What do you think of Meryton society?" She queried.

They turned from each other, and went in a circle. As they met again, Edward replied, "I like it very much. I feel at home here, although I have spent most of my time away." Caroline was a bit surprised at his answer, but smiled back at him, nodding her head. She found Meryton society dull and unvarying. How could he enjoy it so, when he had experienced London? The dance brought them apart again, and then together. Edward, who although was not impressed by her small talk, began to actually acknowledge Caroline. Charlotte Lucas was pushed to the back of his mind. He actually looked at her for the first time, and found that she was quite handsome. The rest of the dance he spent genuinely attempting to get to know her. Her conversation showed that she was clever, but also that she was ignorant of her vanity. She mistook it for healthy pride. However, Edward found little other fault with her, and found himself intrigued by her. She seemed to sense things acutely, and he admired that. The rest of the evening he spent in her company, and although he certainly didn't think of her in a romantic way, he enjoyed her presence.

Edward and Caroline ended the night with a kind farewell, and Caroline hoped that their friendship would grow. Darcy left Longbourn disappointed. Bingley and Elizabeth both found themselves happy for the evening to end. Jane had danced with a few gentlemen, but was still saddened by the loss of Bingley's attentions. Mrs. Bennet was ecstatic, all her schemes had appeared to be working. Mr. Bennet was exhausted. Lydia found her boredom temporarily satisfied. Sleep came quickly for some, and unbelievably slowly for others who had attended the ball at Longbourn.

Grey Skies: A Pride And Prejudice Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें