Chapter 16 - Honeymoon Boys

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Chapter 16

Honeymoon Boys

•Ethan's POV•

The wedding was three weeks later.

When Jake had told me that his sister was having a wedding soon, I didn't think that it would be this soon. But I was ready either way. I had my outfit, America insisted I get a haircut, and then we were off.

Jake's sisters house was a four-hour drive away, located in a small, nice town. Her name's Amanda, I learnt earlier, when reading the invite while Jake was driving us down here. It seemed like it'd be a rather small wedding, despite everyone having the option of a plus one.

But when I read the invite, I realized I wasn't actually a plus one. I was officially invited to the wedding. I had turned to Jake, gaping, when he already had a large grin on his face.

"I had asked Amanda if she could invite you, officially. All she asked was what name to put down and that was it." Jake looks at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road in front of us. "She says she's very excited to meet you."


- - - - -

Jake's parents had beat us to the hotel.

His parents insisted that we travel with them, but Jake "had plans in mind, which will involve driving" he had said with one of his devilish grins that was all white teeth.

I decided not to question Jake on what "plans" exactly were in his mind. I liked surprises, anyway.

Jake's parents had a separate room from us two, with an adjoining door connecting the two. The hotel room was simple, but nice and luxurious, with dark walls and tiles, and plush white beds and carpet. All of which I hadn't had to pay a cent of. Despite insisting that I must, Jake's parents rejected the offer, telling me it was their treat for me.

But what excited me most, was the fact that instead of having two single beds, Jake and I had a double bed to share between the both of us. It seemed Jake didn't know that was the case, either. He had a certain glint in his eyes, with a sly smile, when he looked at me after we both noticed the double bed.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to throw him onto the bed right then and there and rip his clothes off.

- - - - -

"Your turn," Jake proclaimed as he exited the bathroom in a puff of steam and skin and sexiness. I turned from the window, averting my attention to Jake's toned body and tanned skin, with only a white towel wrapped around his waist loosely. I quickly averted my eyes, but a blush still managed to creep onto my face.

I smiled at Jake quickly as I tried to pass him, but he was standing in almost the entire doorway to the bathroom. Half his body ended up stopping me in my tracks. I moved to take a step back, but Jake's hand firmly grabbed my hip, pressing us against each other.

I looked up at him, with probably a slightly scared, nervous look on my face.

"Enjoy your shower," he said, his voice husky, dripping with humor. I could feel something evidently large and hard pressing against my thigh. I gulped. Jake released my body from his entrapment, and moved aside enough for me to push through, but not without disturbing the bulge poking out from the towel.

I could hear Jake slightly groan and then chuckle as I slid the door shut behind me.

- - - - -

I showered quickly, knowing that Jake's plans commenced soon. I didn't know what time, but I figured I'd be ready in time anyway.

I walked out of the bathroom as I tugged my shirt down. Jake's eyes briefly flicked to me, a sly grin appearing when he saw just the last bit of skin before my shirt had covered it.


Jake snorted.

He was laying on the bed, opposite from the bathroom door, with actual clothing on, which was a relief but also a disappointment.

It was colder where we were staying, so we both opted for skinny jeans and a shirt. However, Jake had blue skinny jeans while I had black, and he wore a casual button up red Hawaiian-style shirt while mine was a plain white t-shirt with a blue picture on the front.

"You ready?" Jake asks.

- - - - -

Jake knocked on the door of his parent's hotel room. We stood there for a moment before Jake's mom opened it for us. Jake didn't walk in though.

"You off to your special plans then, are you?" Jake's mom asked.

Jake grinned and nodded. "That we are. We should be back shortly after midnight," Jake says with a cunning grin, and a sideways look to me, his teeth flashing. "But don't wait up for us."

"We won't," his dad calls out from somewhere within the hotel room. He then walks into visibility behind his wife, tying a tie around his neck. It's only then that I noticed Jake's mom was dressed in a nice dress, and had her makeup done. "We're going out for dinner, but I imagine we will be asleep by the time you get back."

"Just don't get into too much trouble," Jakes mom says.

"I won't be picking you up from the police station if I get a call. You'll have to stay the night in a cell," Jakes father says.

Jake fake moans, as if he was pretending to enjoy food that actually tasted horrible. "Sounds lovely."

With that, Jake walked away from the door, calling out a quick goodbye to his parents before his mom closed the door.

- - - - -

"So, where is our first stop?"

Jake turns a corner a little abruptly, and slightly faster than he needed too. "Well, first we have reservations for seven-o-clock at the most prestigious restaurant in this town." I don't have to turn to see the grin on Jake's face; I can hear it in his voice.

But I turn to him, wide-eyed and mouth agape. "You're joking."

Jake glances at me for a moment, finding amusement in my horrified expression. "I am most definitely not."

"Asshole," I say bluntly to him, with a hint of viciousness laced in my voice.

Jake chuckles a little bit.

"I can't go to a prestigious restaurant dress like this!"

"Sure you can," Jake says. He scans my outfit for a quick moment like it was the first time he had seen it. "You look just dashing, Master Ryder."

"Fuck you."

Jake turns to me for a moment with a put-on shocked expression. "That is no way to talk to your driver, Master Ryd-"

"I swear to god I will jump out if this car if you don't stop."

Jake laughs. A full, hearty laugh that comes deep from in his stomach. The car swerves a little when he doubles over slightly, but nothing dangerous enough. He composes himself.

"Okay, I'm only kidding. Please don't jump out of the car." Jake flashes me his brown puppy dog eyes with a small pout. "We are not going to a prestigious restaurant. But, we are getting food."

"Okay, good. But where?"

"Drive-thru McDonalds!" Jake shouts as if it's the most exciting thing ever. 

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