Ch. 31 - Photoshopped My Face On a Potato

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I wake up in a random bed, which is never a good way to wake up. How much did I have to drink last night? My dress feels damp, sticking tight to my skin. That's when I remember jumping off the cliff.

Oh, the rush of it all. There is nothing to compare! I didn't know what would happen and for those thirty seconds I fell, I had nothing on my mind. I just thought of the water, what it would feel like to crash into it and sink down. I finally felt okay.

It was a little painful hitting the water, but the adrenaline rush took that off my mind. By the time I swam up to the surface, Elliott had already jumped in after me.

"Ivy, are you insane?" he asked, swimming to me. He started to laugh. "You look so creepy right now. Your mascara is smeared all over your face." He wiped under my eyes.

"Thanks. That's what I've always wanted to hear you say," I muttered, grabbing on to his shoulders for support.

The jump wore me out, so kicking under the water was getting difficult. Elliott didn't seem bothered at all. He didn't even seem annoyed with me like I was expecting. I had just jumped off a cliff and almost died after all.

"But I'm okay," I said out loud. "I know I'll be okay."

Looking around, I pretty quickly realize I'm in Yogi's room. The barely dressed girls on his wall. The beer bottles on the floor. The giant sign that reads Yogi's Room.

I stand up from the bed to go find Elliott. We came here last night for a party. I didn't want to go, but Elliott seemed really eager about the whole thing. It was to celebrate someone. I can't remember who it was. I drank a lot more at the party too.

"Hey, party girl."

I jump back in surprise when Carter walks out of the bathroom in the small hallway. "Geez! I think I just peed my pants!" Yes, I did just say that to my biggest competition.

She smiles, her perfect model teeth showing. "I am so sorry for popping out like that. Elliott told me how easily frightened you get."

"Right," I say and look down at my feet, always feeling lesser in her presence. "Do you know where Elliott is?"

"Yeah, he's in that room," she answers and points to the door across from the bathroom. "I think he's still sleeping though." She walks down the hallway to another room, her perfect model body swaying back and forth.

I nod, slightly ticked off that she would know where he is and whether he's awake or not. I walk into the room and find Elliott sleeping. His arm is thrown over the side of the bed, the blanket a mess over his body. He sleeps like a zoo animal. I sit on the floor with my back to the bed.

"Hey," I whisper when he sits up and stretches his long arms.

He looks down at me with a sweet smile, one that fills my heart completely. "Hey."

"How are you feeling?" I ask, remembering that he had even more drinks than me at the party last night.

"Like crap," he answers truthful and rubs under his eyes. "What time is it?"

"I have no idea," I say. "I want to get home soon. This stupid dress is going to give me a stupid wet rash."

He laughs and stands out of bed in just his briefs, confident enough to keep walking without even thinking about dressing. He waits for me at the door. I follow him, taking his hand in mine and walking through the hallway with him.

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