Ch. 35 - Worst Breakuper Ever

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"What about this one?"

"Nora, it has mini-credit cards on it," I say.

She shrugs. "I mean, you might as well let every boy you invite into your dorm room know that you are a gold-digger."

I laugh and take the comforter out of the shopping cart. "I just need something simple, okay?"

"Fine," she mumbles and continues looking around. "Aw, what about the one with the flamingos?"


"The pineapple?"


"Okay, well, your roommate is not going to be happy with you." She checks out a comforter with a giant lion on it. "Who is your roommate anyway? Do you know yet?"

"Yeah. Her name is Britt. We've messaged each other a little on Facebook. She seems nice. And super smart."

Nora nods. "Good. You'll finally be with your people of high intellect."

"Yeah, with people who don't pick out comforters with the lyrics of a David Guetta song on them."

She sticks out her tongue. "You should be more thankful that I'm even helping you shop! It's the first day of winter break and I should be hanging out with my friends!"

I smile and pick out a paisley patterned comforter. "Honestly, Nor, I think I'd rather do it by myself."

"Just like you'd rather do everything by yourself," she mutters under her breath.

I stop rolling the cart to stare at her. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

She shrugs and spins around in the isle, her hands touching everything as she passes. "I don't know. It's just..." She stops walking to turn and face me. "You can sometimes get in your own head and refuse to let others in to help you. And-and I get it, considering everything with your mom and stuff."

"I'm don't refuse to let others help me."

She raises her eyebrow. "Yeah? What was it that Elliott wanted to help you with? Your future?"

"That's different! I wanted to get into Brown on my own. I didn't need help from anyone else," I say proudly. "I mean, we're in this grocery store shopping for college because I worked to get in second semester and I got the scholarship from the school. Brown didn't call me just because my boyfriend paid for it. I don't think I'd want to go if that were the case."

"I know," she says. "I was just using that situation as an example."

"Well," I pause to look at a lamp, "that doesn't really apply."

"Whatever you say," she mutters to herself, probably thinking I couldn't hear her.

I ignore her comment and keep going on to shop. I ask for help all the time. I asked Jonas to help me pick a color scheme for the dorm yesterday. I asked Clarissa to help me plan out what to say to the boss when I quit. I asked Amy for any good movie suggestions. I ask for help all the time.

We finish shopping and bring our cart to the checkout. My smile fades when I see who our cashier is.

"Are you the only guy who works here?" I ask, placing a picture frame on the conveyer belt.

Yogi smiles. "Seems like it, doesn't it? How've you been? Heard that you're leaving for Brown soon. Congratulations."

I nod and keep unloading my stuff. "Yeah. Thank you." I set the heavy comforter down with a grunt. "How are you?"

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