Chapter Two

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My life has never been roses and sunshine. I grew up in a broken household, a junkie prostitute for a mother. By the time I was fourteen she had me hooked on drugs and pimped me out to every paying customer that didn't mind sleeping with a minor.

Things started looking up when she died of an overdose. I got placed in a rehab center, I didn't want to stay there for long so I started signing up for the learning to read programs and one of the councilors saw my determination to push past my sordid past so she helped me.

I was enrolled in an evening class for adults and that's where I met Lorenzo the local Pride Leader. He was so sweet and handsome. We started dating and when he learned that I lived at the shelter he took me in.

I really loved him and he loved me. I was a potential mate and we often spoke of mating during the two years we were together. But then along came Angelo, my Angel, he was... everything I could have ever hoped for in a mate. Don't get me wrong, I loved Lorenzo but Angelo... I fell so hard, so fast, so fucking deeply.

Two months, that's all it took for him to get me into bed when it took me two years to publicly kiss Lorenzo.

When Lorenzo found out he flipped out. Angelo gloated to him about how much of a whore I am to seduce him into bed. That suave kind boy was gone and only I was left, shunned, rejected and pregnant.

All I ever was to Angelo was a pawn to get revenge on his brother when Lorenzo was chosen as Pride Leader while Angelo was chosen as Pride Guardian.

Between the brothers everything was a competition and the loser always, always sought revenge.

Blood really is thicker than water, when the news got out and it did because Angelo didn't want a quiet victory, I was shunned by Lorenzo and Angelo was applauded for making sure Lorenzo didn't mate with a whore like me.

I'll never forget what he said to me that day 'once a whore, always a whore'. He was the only person I told about my past, the lowest parts of my life. The drugs and the prostitution. I told him everything.

Angelo broke me and the sick part is, the sick part is that I am still in love with him. That guy he showed me, the guy who was kind and his beautiful heart.

Six years, every morning and every night I stare into those eyes of my cub, eyes he inherited from his father, eyes I sometimes I thought I should hate. But I can't, not when those emerald orbs look at me like I'm the tallest person on the planet, like I'm the best Dad in the world.

"Maaa!" D'Angelo screams from his room. Since he could talk he's been calling me Ma even though he knows I'm his Dad.

"D'Angel! Stop bellowing in my house and come down here!" I bellowed, ugh, I'm such a fool.

"Don't forget P.T.A meeting today at two k?" my five year old says dragging his bag behind him.

"Yes D'Angel" I groaned "and I won't forget the cookies either" I rolled my eyes at him when his eyes narrowed on me.

"You better not else I'll have to take part in P.E. I'm too perfect for so much exercise" he sighs. This child is too darn sassy for a five year old.

"Yea, yea... my perfect son shouldn't be running around all sweaty and stinky" I tried an appalled tone of voice D'Angelo nodded and buttered a slice of toast.

"Oh no, but then again, he'll still be perfect to me when he's overweight because he didn't want to move in general" I giggled when he looks at me, eyes wide.

"If you do this for me, I'll take part in one of the school activities" he bargains.

"Sure, but you need to stop using my cookies as leverage to get out of P.E" I said. I thought it was cute a while ago but I realized my son has a knack for manipulating people and using what they love against them.

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