Chapter Four

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"I need to talk with you brother" I murmured just before Lorenzo finished going over his letters.

"Then talk" he simply said leaning back in his chair.

"I'm a dad" I blurted and Lorenzo just stared at me.

"Did you just hear what I said? I have a son with Sydney" I say slowly.

"And?" Shit, Lorenzo's expression didn't change, voice, nothing. That fucking asshole.

"You knew! You knew and you didn't tell me!" I yelled at him.

"Yes I knew. Sydney told me and the only reason why I didn't tell you was and I quote 'once a whore, always a whore' figured you wouldn't want to have a baby with a whore" Lorenzo folds his hands under his chin and stared at me, elbows resting on his desk.

Seems the only words I ever regret were going to haunt my ass now.

"I didn't mean that".

"Well you said it. You embarrassed him and had him shunned and you know how Sydney is, flight is more potent than fight" Lorenzo murmured bored. I glared at him. He's the Pride Male and my freaking brother, isn't he supposed to give me some Zen words, be all Mr. Myagi or something?

When I figured he wasn't going to offer me any words of advice or wisdom I sighed.

"I'm taking a few weeks off. Dominic can fill in for me" I grumbled on my way out the door.

"Angel" Lorenzo called my name and he gave me a quick smile when I glared him.

"Good luck bro. you'll need it" he smirked and I flipped him off.

Packing a couple of bags with clothes and toiletries to last a few weeks I drove back to Smithtown and checked in at a nice hotel a few blocks away from Sydney's work place. Figured that's how I'll be able to speak him again.

Damn he looked good. Better than I remember.

"Done gawking?" he sneered at me. My jaw was on the floor, yours would be too if you saw what he had on.

"Nope" I popped the P "Just keep standing like that" I murmured absently. Sydney had one hand on his hip while he leaned against the wall and one leg, very bare leg bent at the knee, his foot flat against the wall. Lips perfectly colored red and a light dusting of eye-shadow over eyeliner.

"What do you want Angelo?" he sighed.

"Right now? A bed, condoms and lube, lots and lots of lube", jeez! What is wrong with me?

All I saw was a flash of fangs and Sydney had me pinned to the wall he was leaning against.

"Sydney baby, I think you enjoy pinning me down" I groaned when he bit his bottom lip.

"Angelo, please just leave me alone and take your sex jokes with you. I don't want to have anything to do with you" he says releasing me and started pacing.

"Just leave me alone! God! What do you want from me? You took everything already Angelo, I've got nothing else left you could possibly want-"

"My son" I say shoving my hands in my pockets before they act on what I've been thinking.

"He's not yours Angelo. You don't have any rights, you gave that up a long time ago" he says, his voice thick with tears.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened between us back then but you can't keep my son away from me as punishment for what happened six years ago" I said.

"No. but I will do everything in my power to protect my cub. You are a snake Angelo" Sydney hissed "How do I know you won't leave him too huh?" my heart jolted.

"I trusted you Angelo. With every piece of me, even the parts I hid from everyone in my life. I gave you everything I had. My heart and you broke it" he says, his voice rising with every word.

"You broke me Angelo and I'll be damned if I give you the chance to do the same to my son" Sydney says fiercely and a glare in place. His words harder than concrete.

"Angelo please, if you ever cared about me, even a little bit you'd leave us alone. Go back to your Pride, your petty competitions with your brother. I'm no longer a pawn on your game board" his glare changed to something different, hurt maybe.

"You had your fun with me now leave and never come back. If I see you anywhere near D'Angel I'll fucking kill you" he sneered covering that look of hurt.

"I know what I did wasn't right-"

"Wasn't right! You played with me like some kind of toy Angelo! You made promises to me that you broke. You told me you loved me only to learn my deepest secrets and insecurities, you used my body only to toss me aside after ripping me to shreds on the inside" I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I know I did a shitty thing but I had no idea it cut so deep.

"I told you things, things I never even admitted to myself. My past, my shame. You used it all against me... I don't. I can't Angelo. I can't take the chance that you'd hurt my son. I'm sorry but I just can't" tears fell down his cheeks as he turned away from me.

Stripping off his outfit and pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I don't think he cared that I was seeing him practically naked save for a red pair of jock straps. He just wanted to be away from me, who has caused him so much pain.

Last ditch effort, I came up behind him and hugged him around his waist. He went rigid in my arms.

"Please Sydney. I'm begging you. give me the opportunity to know my son. I'll stay away from you, I swear it but please baby, please let me be a father to my cub, my legacy" I begged putting every ounce of sincerity in my words.

Sydney turned in my arms and looked at me for a long time. I could see the conflict in his eyes, the subtle hitching of his voice and racing of his heart.

"Follow me home. You'll meet your son tomorrow. Hurt him and I'll fucking shred you to pieces" I nodded, fighting the urge to kiss his red lips.

I followed Sydney to his home and hated that he was going inside alone. I wanted to follow him up to his room like a lost puppy and just hold him. Feel his body in my arms once more.

I listened as Sydney greeted our cub. If I wasn't such a fuck up I could have been there, Sydney as my mate and our little cub.

The life I could have had instead I'm just an asshole.

God, I really hurt him. He's right, about everything. I used him, I broke those promises I made and for what? To get even with my brother.

Fuck, even Lorenzo was happily mated and all I have are the cold nights when my memories of my days with Sydney runs rampant and all I could think is that I want it back, those days with Sydney when I was happy. Truly happy.

 Truly happy

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It's me!

I am truly sorry for making false promises, i said i would have updated Friday but didn't.

I love you guys and thanks for all the votes and comments and well wishes.

Don't forget to vote and comment loves.

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