Who Has to Know? -6*

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The reason for the long wait is school. -.-, but I am goin going on break in a week away so then I will have more time to upload this story, I'm also going to put this story in watty awards, and I know everyone is hating Cam right now! lol so I decide that I'm going to write in his point of view and Racquel's point of view. Please excuse my mistakes.

You think you got the best of me Think you had the last laugh Bet you think that everything good is gone Think you left me broken down Think that I'd come running back Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong....

Who Has to Know? -6*

Cam’s Pov:

Racquel’s shock and sadden face when I dunked her haunted my dreams. I knew I shouldn’t have done it but the peer pressure got the best of me. It’s been weeks since that accident and she still hasn’t talked to me. I felt like I was drowning and my only thing to safety was floating away. I looked around my table of friends and sighed. How can I call these people my friends when non of them been over to my house. I felt like a puppet; smiling even when I don’t want to or laughing at a joke that wasn’t even funny.

           Even A.J., seems to not notice me anymore but getting caught up with girls, again I think how can you feel alone when almost everyone you knew since childhood is surrounding you?

           Ester ran her hand up and down my thigh under the table; while taking to our friends, I pushed it away roughly not waiting to feel her touch only one person can make me calm down from just one touch; Racquel


           Ester snapped her head in looked at me in surprise, and hurt. I just shrugged lazily not really wanting to talk to her; not even wanting to be next to her because all I kept thinking is wishing she was someone else.

           Looking back over at Racquel’s table I see her getting up and walking into the hallways, I stood and followed her not caring about my girlfriend calling after me. I had to jog to catch up to her.

           “Rocky,” I grabbed her forarm and spinned her around so she was facing me.

           She snatched her arm back and looked at me in disgust, I flinced inside from the look but also knowing I dersevered that look. “Don’t touch me,” she hissed.

           I gulped. “Please Rock-” she cut me off before I could finish my sentece.

           “Don’t, just don’t Cameron,” she started to walk away but I grabbed her once again pulling her closer so my face was inches away from hers if she just leaned a little bit more forward her lips would be touching mine.

           “Cammy, what are you doing with this thing,” Ester voice had angry and disgust in her voice. I saw Raquel looking at me trying to give me a message through our eyes, I saw happiness starting to return in them.

           But before it could fully return I let her go and step away from her so I was standing next to Ester. Racquel eyes darken again and her mouth was in a tight staright line.

           “First of all I’m not a thing, and why aren’t you in the back stair case having sex with someone who isn’t Cameron? Or did you finally realize that there are better jobs out there then selling your body to horny teenage boys?” Ester was fuming my the end of Racquel sentence she looked ready to fight but Racquel stood there with the most confidence in the world with her arms folded smirking back at ester.

           That was one of the reason I loved to be around her so much. She looked so self-assured never second guessing her self or regretting anything she was just always living in the moment.

           “How about I get you a gym membership so you can lose all the weight fatty,” Ester snarled at her.

           I got in the middle of them because they were becoming dangerously close to each other and I didn’t was Racquel to get suspended because of my girlfrien- or should I say ex girlfriend. Racquel pushed me to the side with strenght I didn’t even know she had.

           She got right in front of Ester face because they are the same height. “Honey, I don’t have to be skinny so I can be proud of my body unlike you am proud of the way I look and I don’t have to starve my self to think am beautiful, because before you can love anyone else you have to love yourself first and since you been cheating on Cameron I can sense that you don’t love your self one bit,”

           They both should there glaring at each other but I saw Ester hand go up before Racquel could defend herself. “What do you think you are doing?” I grabbed Ester hand in mid- air.

           Ester struggled trying to get out my grip but she finally gave up and I started to see her eyes water up. “Cameron are you really going to defend her?” she question her voice breaking in the middle of the sentence.

           “Yes,” Was my simple answer.

           Ester looked at me in disbelief before she got out my grip and ran down the hallways to the bathroom I’m guessing she has to make sure no one can she her crying.

           Turing around I saw that Racquel was not there anymore. I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair roughly, what am I going to do now?

Racquel’s pov:

"Racquel." A cheerful voice called making an echo throughout the hall ways. I stopped shoving my books inside my locker and turn around to face my best friend ."Hey Stephanie" I greeted, turning back to my task at hand.

Who Has to Know? [Watty Awards 2012!]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang