Who Has to Know?-9*

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This is the last chapter of "Who has to know?" *cries* this is so sad! please for the last time, vote, and comment your little hearts out! *sniff* I do hope you guys don't hate me at the end of this chapter. Also, sorry for the mistakes! xD 

I remember when, You were my only friend, Now I'm not sure you can, Feel like that again. 

Who Has to Know?-9*

Racquel :

I was once again left alone in my home. A.J., said he had to go take care of some businesses. So here I was in the house at night time alone. I will admit I was scared. Every time I heard a weird sound  I would pick up the bat my bother use for the team.  I was on the couch watching t.v. and my eyes were getting heavy.  

           “Nice bat,” a husky voice behind me said.  

           I closed my eyes, and I was hoping my mind was playing tricks on me. My heartbeat speed up, and  tried to swallow but it felt like I had no more saliva in my mouth. Maybe nothing is there and it’s just my  imagination but I spoke anyway.  “Hello?” 

           “Hi,” the voice whispered back slowly. 

           The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I tightened my hold on the back. I slowly got off the couch and turned around quickly raising the baseball bat over my head and forcing it back down hitting it with the creep who’s in my house. I heard his groan. 

           I quickly turned on the lamp that was next to me and slowly went back behind the couch to only see Cameron laying on the floor holding his head.  I dropped the back and dropped to me knees in front of him. “Are you okay,” I removed his hand that was covering up his forehead and I could see that it was a bruise forming there. 

           He groaned once again. “Not really. 

           I picked him up off the floor and sat him down on the couch, I went and got frozen broccoli in the freeze to put on his head since we didn’t have any ice in the house at the moment. I was glad it was just him in the house and not some serial killer. 

           Walking back into the living room and sitting next to him on the couch. “Here this sounds help a little bit,” I handed him the frozen broccoli. 

           “Yuck, I hate broccoli,” he put the pack against his forehead.

           We sat in the silence for a little while just looking at each other. He looked like a mess his hair was all over the place, he smelt like beer, and his eyes were red. “Why are you here and how did you get in?” I asked finally breaking the silence. 

           He signed and looked down at his feet. “ I just came from Ester house and remember I also have a key to the house.”

           I moved  away from him, which wasn’t far  because this couch was so small. Did he think after he finished having s*x with Ester he could just come over here. “You need to leave,” there was no emoticon in my voice even thought I felt a burning in my chest.

           He snapped his head up and  he looked almost broken. “Please just listen to me,” he reached out and grabbed a hold of my hand. I let him go on and explained to me what happened at Ester house and I was surprised my bother would do that and a little happy that he would stand up for me even if he did it in the wrong way. 

           “So what does this mean now?” 

           “That we can be together,” he said in a duh tone. 


           “No?” he voice held confusion. “What do you mean no,” 

           “We can’t be together.” I said simply. 

           “Why not?” 

           “Because….” I just left the word hanging in the air. Cameron was glaring at me, his jaw clenched and he kept opening and closing his hand. “ I don’t want to be the second choice.” 

           “You never was-” I cut him off. 

           “Yes I was, you never wanted to be seen in public with me. You sometimes even joked along with people who made fun of my weight, but now that you found out that Ester cheated on you, you came running towards me so I can help once again. Well, I am tired of picking you back up and being your back bone.”  I held my graze with his showing him that I meant every word. 


What are you trying to say?”

           “You need to stand on your own and stop depending  on people, mostly one me.” 

           He looked down and then back up at me, he was nibbling at the bottom of his lip. “I love you Racquel Wright.” he said.

           This was the moment I’ve been waiting for the past months, I just imagined it at a different place. Not after he just found out his girlfriend was cheating on him. Looking at him I could see he was nervous, and the corner of his mouth was turned up. I kept replying what he said in my head  and he almost sounded like he meant it. “No you don’t “ I shook my head and pulled back my hand from out of his grip. 

           “What” he looked sad and in disbelief. 

           “You don’t love me,” I put emphasis on each word. 

           “Yes, I do.” 

           “Fine if you do love me then tell me what do you love about me Cameron.” 

           He just looked at me and didn’t say one word at all. I felt my eyes become watery, my chest hurting even more. 

           I laughed but that’s only so it could stop me from crying, I stood up from the couch. “See, you don’t love me, you love the things I do for you and you feel like you must repay me some way.” 

           He jumped up from the couch. “That’s not true, I remember at the party when I saw you talking to that guy and some feeling came over me and I know it was jealousy” 

           “Yeah you were jealousy  not because you liked me but because you didn’t  want someone to take me away from you and I would never be around to help you with your problems.”

           “Racquel, I love you.” he came in front of me and touched my shoulder. 

           “Yes, you might love me for everything I did for you but you’re not even close to being in love with me, there’s a difference.”  I was trying to block out the pain from my heart but it was already useless this boy had official broken my heart for the last time. I tried not to cry but this one tear still somehow escaped my eyes. 

           “ I always seem to hurt you somehow, and I’m sorry.” he said softly. 

           I nodded my head. “I just think it would be better if we just went out separate ways.” he stepped closer to me and I closed my eyes breathing in his scent for the last time, I felt his lips softly brush mine and as fast as they were there they were gone. 

           “Goodbye, Racquel.”  I opened my eyes and heard the faint click of the door closing. 

           “Goodbye, Cameron.” 

 You know my mind's made up this time. There's no goin' back to find what we had. And I know There's no light that's left to shine, There's no wrong and there's no right. So enough. I'm givin you up.

Yes this is really the last and finally chapter of "Who has to know?" I just want to say thanks to everyone who read, comment, and voted on my story it means a lot to me. Also I just couldn't find it in my heart to give thema happily ever after ending.  

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