VII: Questions

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(A/N: Everything in Italics is what is written in the letter)

Dear Dad/Hokage-sama,

Hey dad! Me, Sasuke-teme, and Sakura-chan are doing alright right now so don't worry! We weren't kid napped by any bad guys so don't worry 'bout us! We're training so when we come back to the village we'll be stronger, and I'll be strong enough to become hokage!  And tell mom that if she doesn't kill me when I get back that I'll take her out for ramen!

Hn dobe, are you sure you'll be able to pay for that, considering that you can barely take care of paying for your own food.


Stop it you idiots! We are trying to write a letter to Hokage-sama so stop acting like little kids! Anyways, we just want to tell you that we have left the village for our own reasons and we'll come back when we're ready too.

Hn, we don't know when we'll come back whether it be two months or ten years we don't know, but we will come back.

That was deep teme.

Shut up dobe.



Sorry Sakura-chan.

Anyways do you mind telling Itachi-nii, mother, and father that I'm okay and not to worry that much. I'm with Sakura and Naruto.....scratch the Naruto part out, I don't know how that'll help reassure them.

Sasuke can you not insult Naruto for five minutes so we can finish this letter?



N-no. Ummm let's finish the letter.

So yeah I thinks that's all we wanted to say so yeah, bye dad!

Sincerely, Naruto (future Hokage), Sakura, and Sasuke.


Minato put the letter down on his desk and ran his hand though his golden blonde hair.  He was trying to focus on his paper work when a weird looking bird with an envelope in it's mouth ran into the window.  Of course Minato opened the window and let the bird in but right after the bird dropped the envelope in it's mouth it disappeared.  The Hokage read the letter and called an ANBU.  Once the ANBU received his orders he immediately disappeared. Only minutes later a red haired woman threw the door open and ran into the room.

"WHAT? WHERE'S MY BABY?" His hot headed wife yelled. Minato handed Kushina the letter and she sat down and begun to read it. As Kushina was reading the letter, three more people entered the room. It was Itachi, Mikoto, and Fugaku.

"What's the news?" Fugaku asked the Hokage.

"We got a letter from the three. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura. It seems that they're okay at the moment," Itachi let out a sigh of relief. "But we don't know when they'll return to the village." Kushina gestured for Mikoto to come over and read the letter with her.  The ANBU returned, appearing in front of the Hokage's desk.

"The Haruno's denied the offer to come." He stated and Minato looked a little surprised from this.

"Did you tell them we had news on where Sakura was?" Minato asked. 

"Hai Hokage-sama.  Mr.Haruno's exact words were 'I don't care, tell the Hokage not to bother me with this.'"  Minato furrowed his brow.

"I'll have to look into this." He mumbled to himself before looking back up at the ANBU.  "Arigato.  Can you summon Kakashi for me? That's all I need then your done."  The ANBU nodded before leaving. 

"What are we going to do Minato?" Kushina asked with a worried tone. "Why would Naruto leave the village?"

"I don't know Kushina. I don't know."

"Minato-sama, we know why Sasuke left, but why would Naruto or Sakura leave? They seemed to have a good time in the village." Mikoto said.

"I want to ask Kakashi and see if they have been acting different before the time of them leaving." Minato stated. Mikoto nodded before walking over to stand in between Itachi and Fugaku. Itachi and Fugaku needed to patch up their relationship. Itachi had an outburst which surprised both of his parents. Itachi was always calm and collected. They had never seen him lash out on anyone. Mikoto assumed that he did it because he was Sasuke's older brother and he felt that he needed to protect Sasuke, but he couldn't protect Sasuke if they didn't know where he was.

"You called Minato-sensei?" Kakashi asked as he appeared in a puff of smoke.


The three genin from team seven all sat at the kitchen table. It was early in the morning, and the three woke up around the same time. Sakura woke up because Naruto was loudly mumbling a certain persons name in his sleep, Sasuke woke up because Sakura threw a bunch of pillows at him, and Naruto woke up because Sasuke and Sakura found his mumbling annoying. Naruto was yawning loudly, Sakura was trying not to yawn, while Sasuke just plain out refused to yawn in front of his two teammates.  It was like a lightbulb turned on in Naruto's head, and he quickly got Sakura's and Sasuke's attention.

"What are we gonna do for training?" He asked. Sakura shrugged her shoulders and leaned forward on the table.

"I can see about Aunt Yuri and Uncle Tekoto training us. I mean they used to be ninja too." She suggested.

"But we still have to help that little brat." Naruto grumbled. Sakura rolled her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked Sasuke who looked at the window and replied,

"Early." Sakura groaned.

"Very helpful." She mumbled sarcastically to herself.


A/N: Chapter Seven is done! I know I'm probably not doing a good job getting the storyline going but I'm trying my hardest and I will try to update as much as possible during my free time.

I have already started chapter 8 so I'm hoping to get that uploaded soon. Next chapter Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are going to start their training.

I've already decided where they are going to go when they leave Sakura's aunt and uncle's house, and I've already figured out the perfect people to train them!


Sayonara, Author-chan

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