XXIV: You're a Little Bit Late Minato

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PLOT QUESTION: If you had to choose any body in the ninja world (in my story, even if they haven't been mentioned) for Sasuke to train under after Orochimaru who would you choose?

Example: Zabuza. (:D couldn't think of anyone else, but Sasuke being trained by Zabuza won't happen so don't worry.)

Note: Has to be someone outside of the Leaf Village.

These suggestions will be taken under consideration by me and MAY or MAY NOT be used in the story.


"Kizashi," Minato greeted with a nod. The civilian man gave the Hokage a smile and nodded back in his own greeting. "Have you been informed of why I called you here?" Minato asked cautiously.

"To an extent. The chunin informant that brought me here said you had some questions to ask." Kizashi said, Minato took notice to the edge in the man's voice as he neared the end of what he was saying. Minato nodded in response.

"Yes, why don't you take a seat." Minato offered gesturing to the seat across from his desk. Kizashi nodded and sat down. "Kushina and I heard you were expecting." Minato said trying to began the conversation on a good note. Kizashi smiled.

"Yes we are. Mebuki and I are really excited as well." Kizashi paused looking at Minato keeping his smile on his face. "You see, we're hoping for a boy. Mebuki thinks that he could take up the family business when he gets old enough." Then he chuckled. "In these times it's always the men who get the upper hand in politics." Minato nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I can't wait till we get a female Hokage. Then hopefully women will be respected more in the political view." Minato noticed the disagreement in Kizashi's eyes as he spoke. "I would nominate a women Hokage myself, but I haven' t found a good candidate yet. There just aren't enough female ninja. Speaking of so, let's start with the reason I summoned you here. I would like to ask you some questions about recent events and I hope you can answer these questions. Do you know of any reason why Sakura would've left the village?" The tension in the room increased greatly. Kizashi almost sneered. The man was smart enough to keep his composure.

"No, Hokage-sama." He said each word slowly his cheerful facade fading into one of sadness. Minato never thought that a civilian could put up a convincing fake facade, but he played along.

"Well, was she acting any differently days before she left?" He inquired taking note of Kizashi's every action. Kizashi sighed.

"I'm not sure exactly. The couple of weeks before she left I was too busy dealing with the family business. Mebuki was sick to her stomach at the time too. Puking her guts out I'll tell you. We found out why later, but still, if Sakura was acting any differently we didn't notice." Kizashi claimed. "But, why are you still dwelling on their leaving the village. I mean, it isn't good for your health to dwell on something like this for so long. You should focus on other things like the well being of the village. This can wait." The tension in the room grew with every word Kizashi said. "They aren't coming back. Once someone leaves the village of their own free will they don't come back. Take the three sannin for example. They left years ago and haven't stepped foot in the village since. Do you really expect my daughter, the Uchiha boy and the Kyuubi brat to come back." That was his mistake. Minato's eye brow raised a fraction but he didn't call Kizashi out on what he said. Kizashi noticed what he did but didn't add anything to it. He pretended not to notice his mistake in his word choice.

"But they will come back." Minato said with confidence. "They said it themselves in a letter they wrote. We invited you to come and look at the letter, but you turned down the offer quite abruptly."

"As I said, a couple of weeks around the time that they left I was stuck dealing with affairs in the business." Minato nodded though he didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth.

"Alright, well there isn't a need for you to be here any more so I'm going to ask you to leave." Kizashi didn't give any reaction and quickly left. As soon as the door to the office closed an ANBU appeared right infront of the desk. "Did you catch anything suspicious?" He asked. The ninja nodded.

"You most likely noticed most of these yourself Hokage-sama. But you saw the facade he put up. The way he played it off when you mentioned the letter but his body tensed up and he clenched his fists. Lastly, I think we both noticed how he addressed your son." The ANBU reported. Minato nodded.


Minato walked into his home to see Kushina by the stove cooking dinner. Walking up behind her he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her in greeting.

"Minato? You're home early." Kushina said with surprise.

"Well I talked to Kizashi today." He stated. Kushina looked at him expectantly gesturing for him to continue. "He wasn't that good at hiding his views on our son to me and the ANBU I assigned to watch him." Kushina's eyes went wide.

"Our son? What did he say about Naruto." She said with a dangerous edge. If it weren't for the current situation Minato would've sweat dropped at her over protectiveness.

"Kyuubi brat." Was all that Minato had to say before Kushina gasped quietly.

"We should've known." She mumbled and shook her head looking back at Minato. "The villagers. They pushed Naruto to the point where he wanted to leave you know. When I was the Kyuubi holder, they weren't exactly nice to me. Now I'm assuming they treated Naruto the same way they treated me, but Naruto left." She claimed. "I should've known this you know. This happened to me. I'm a terrible mother." She turned and buried her head in Minato's chest. Minato just stared at the wall ashamed of himself.


A/N: Yo, sorry for no action from team seven, but I needed to post this chapter. It made it so much easier to do this as one whole chapter instead of doing it in bits and pieces in multiple chapters, BUT I PROMISE THAT I WILL BE DOING A CHAPTER WITH TEAM SEVEN IN IT NEXT TIMEDON'T FORGET...my story has been entered in the Naruto Watty Awards in the category:

Modern Naruto (AU)


Team Seven

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