Chapter 3

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Again? Really? Again? My wrists are tied so tight they are bleeding. Again. Yes again. But this is Elizabeth’s first time.

            “Elizabeth,” I muttered as we were forced through the labyrinth of cells, “Elizabeth, give up. I’ve been through this before with your brother. There’s no point.”

            “Whatever. I won’t go down this easy.” She bit the guard who was holding her.

            “Dang it!” he yelled and dropped her. Quickly, one of the five guards that were “escorting” us grabbed her.

            “See?” I said.

            Quicker than I would have thought possible, we reached the throne room. Queen Rachel and King Jonah sat in their thrones again. A boy stood behind Jonah. He looked puzzled. However, King Jonah was glaring daggers. If looks could kill, I would have been dead before I even stepped in the room. Queen Rachel held a peaceful gaze, however.

            “Do you have any idea, what a panic you have brought to both my son and my wife?!” King Jonah almost screamed.

            “Hopefully a lot,” Elizabeth said, “That was our goal.”

            “Silence!” Jonah ran forward and slapped Elizabeth.

            “Hey!” I charged at him and grabbed the King’s arm. He simply shoved me away.

            “Enough!” yelled Rachel, “Jonah, honey, calm down. This is not their fault. It is Jacqueline’s fault. They can’t hide forever. Someone will turn them in, and then you can give them their reward, which I think would be well deserved, see as their dangerous criminals,” Rachel emphasized the last part.

            “My parents are not dangerous criminals!” I yelled, but a guard slapped his hand over my mouth.

            “Fine. But take them to our quarters, and DO NOT let them escape,” Jonah said and returned to his throne. The boy behind Jonah followed us out of the room.

            As we went down the hall, the boy spoke for the first time, “Just walk behind us. I need to talk to them.” The guards slowly released me and fell behind about three yards.

            “Do you even know what’s going on?” the boy spoke to me.

            “No, but I would appreciate it somebody would tell me,” I said.     

            “My name is Michael,” the boy said, “I am the son of Jonah, and the heir to the throne of Hammes.”

            “Cool. I don’t care. Just explain what the heck is going on,” I said, getting impatient.

            “Before I was born, and before you were born, my mother set an arranged marriage between me and you. Your mother, being smart and disagreeing with mine, argued that she loved you and wouldn’t just give you away. Your brother was about three at the time. Well anyways, my mother wasn’t one for negotiations, but she agreed that your mother could raise you until you were an adult, or sixteen. Then we would be wed and I would become king of Hammes,” he paused, “But I really don’t want to be king. Don’t tell my mom. I want to live in the village.”

            “So let me get this straight, I am being forced to become queen and I am being forced to marry you? Against my will?” I said.

            “Yes,” said Michael

            “What kind of sick, cruel world are we living in?” I said, “Did you hear that Elizabeth? You’re so lucky you’re not mixed up in any of this.”

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