Chapter 6

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No, of course I didn’t die. I was wearing the crystal. Instead I walked over to the source of the explosion, Daniel next to me. Here I found Noah. Still, I didn’t feel surprised or mad or anything.

            Noah gritted his teeth, “That explosion was supposed to kill EVERYBODY. Not everybody but two bums who probably don’t give a crap about me because they’re so stuck up and pretty.”

            Noah killed everybody? Mom and dad? Elizabeth? Still, no sadness.

            “You killed Elizabeth?” I asked.

            Noah froze, “Hailey?”

            “Yeah Noah,” I said.

            “Hailey! You’re alive!” he hugged me, “I heard about the boat crash! I thought you were dead! How did you survive?! They were going to kill Daniel!”

            “Noah. Stop. You killed our parents. You killed Elizabeth. You killed her parents,” I said.

            “Wait, how are you not sad at all?” Noah asked.

            I froze.

            “Oh I see. That necklace of yours!” Suddenly, he was shouting, “It’s turned you into something, well, not yourself! You might as well be dead Hailey! Having you dead is better than this!” Noah shouted and pulled out a knife. Without hesitating he stabbed me straight in the heart.

            Wow, Noah is sure going insane, I thought and pulled the knife out.

            “Noah, the world is going to end soon. I may not be able to feel anything, but I won’t kill you now,” I said and sprinted off towards to the center of the city. Here I found Quergon’s body, mangled charred. I’m sorry Quergon, I thought although I didn’t feel sorry for him. His voice echoed back in my head, it’s okay, miss. I’ll see you in Heaven! And then his voice was gone. I’ll see you in Heaven too buddy, I thought back. I turned towards what was left of the bay. I had to get to Shooting Star Island, and fast. I jogged towards the bay. Suddenly Noah ran up behind me and grabbed my necklace. I screamed and kicked as he pulled it off. All the sudden I felt emotion again. I broke down into tears. Mom, dad, Elizabeth, Quergon. They’re all dead. All of them. And it’s Noah’s fault. I turned against him.

            “Noah! You jerk!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

            “What are you gonna do about it?” he taunted.

            “I’ll show you what I’m gonna do about it!” I yelled and lunged for his throat. He leapt back in surprise.

            “Hailey! No!” Daniel ran up and pried my fingers off of Noah. I wouldn’t go down that easy. I used what I could besides my hands. I sunk my teeth into Daniel’s arm and clamped them down, so they couldn’t be opened. The sound of his scream made me let go of him and Noah. I fell to the ground, sobbing. Noah fell too, gasping for breath.

            “C’mon,” Daniel said and pulled me too my feet. He grabbed my necklace from Noah and we ran onto the only boat that was even possible to sail. He handed me my necklace and we climbed aboard.

            “Wait,” I said as we set sail, “I don’t wanna put this necklace on yet.” I began to cry. For my mom, my dad, my brother, my family in law, Quergon, and especially Noah. He was going crazy out of love for me.

            We sailed in silence. Eventually I put my necklace on and everything was better. Or worse. I couldn’t tell because I didn’t feel anything. Finally we arrived at Shooting Star Island, and immediately our necklaces began to pull us towards the woods. We followed them until we reached the secret door to Jacob and Erin’s temple. Once inside, we met Erin.

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