Chapter 4

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I was aware that I was on a boat, and that Daniel was cradling me. That was it; so I opened my eyes.

            We were in a small room that contained a bed, a couch, and a small coffee table. The two of us were on a couch.

            “You like it? Second class,” Daniel declared proudly, “It was the best I could get.”

            “I love it, as long as I’m with you.”


            The next three to four hours I was in and out, but he was always awake, and waited patiently until I was ready to go out on the top of the deck.

            All there was to see was water. I spent the rest of the day exploring the ship, and Daniel and I watched the sunset at night.

            “We should be there in the morning,” Daniel said. The two of us walked back to our room, and I fell asleep in the big, fluffy bed very quickly.

            I was awakened in the middle of the night by the panic outside our room. Daniel was already up, and had on pants and a night shirt. I was still in my—Elizabeth’s—dress. Daniel opened the door. Water started pouring in, up to his knees.

            “Oh no! Holy crap!” Daniel yelped and jumped back.

            I was out of bed in a flash.

            Picking up the bottom of my dress, I managed to slip into the midst of the crowd and was pushed onto the main deck. Here I met a terrifying sight.

            The front of the ship was half submerged under water. People were shouting and getting loaded into life boats. A man grabbed my arm.

            “Get in the life boat. I know you. You’re wanted. I can recognize you by your face. The palace is gonna give me a nice reward for turnin’ you in.”

            Then I saw them. Guards everywhere, searching the boat.

            “Daniel!” I screamed as the man dragged me into the nearest life boat.

            Suddenly Daniel was on top of the man, slugging the life out of him.

            “Daniel! Stop! Just get in the life boat!” I screamed and pulled him off of the man. Daniel went, but not without spitting on the man.

            One of the guards spotted me, and suddenly flocks of them were running towards me. Someone—I think Daniel—pushed me over the edge of the quickly sinking boat.

            The drop was absolutely terrifying. I had no idea what was going to meet me below, but I found out soon enough.

            I landed in a life boat. I was okay, nothing injured. But when I looked up, I saw Daniel was fighting off like ten guards at once.

            “Daniel!” I screamed. “No! No! No!”

            A guard grabbed him and started punching him. He gave me a sick smile and said, “Three days. On the fourth he dies. You for him.” And then he dragged the unconscious figure of my best friend, boyfriend, and true love away from me.

            I didn’t know what happened next. I blacked out. Again.


            I woke up on the shoreline of a beach. There were several lifeboats along the shore. I was tied up. What happened?

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