A Different Light?

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Chapter 15

                My head was pounding. It was literally pounding. I groaned lightly. My eye lids felt heavy and my body felt heavy and exhausted. I heard the constant beeping in to my left. It was dull and consistent. I knew it was my heart monitor. I felt the discomfort then. I felt the tubes that were stuck into my arms. I hated needles.

                I managed to groggily open my eyes and I took in the scene around me. I was in a hospital style bed in a room on my own. I knew I was still in the medical wing because of the dominant smell of werewolves around me. The room was cream and a dull. Everything was simple and minimalistic which is expected of a hospital room.

                I looked down and saw the wires and the tubes that were snaking around me from various points of my body. I shuddered lightly. Let’s just say, my father had a thing for needles. As a kid to keep me away from him my father would drug me to keep me out of it for days while he took down a pack or something. I was rarely with it most of the time.

                I felt the dull ache in my side. I pushed the covers away so I could get a better look. I pulled away the rest of the gown to reveal my abdomen. I saw the stitches from the surgery. Luckily, it was nothing with silver so it would all heal and I wouldn’t have another scar to add to my extensive selection of scars.

                I ran my fingers over my huge scar that dominated my side as I remembered everything that happened. The rogues had broken past and were about to attack innocent children and mothers. I had taken down a load of them before I had finally been take down and bitten into. Michael and Xander managed to make it back just in time and take down the last remaining rogues. I had been in a bad way. I was bleeding out. I shifted back into human form.

                They all saw my scars. Every single person that walked by saw my scars. Xander saw my scars. I was going to have to explain these to him now. I couldn’t now not tell him about this. I really couldn’t hide these scars anymore. The secret was out for this now. The cat was out of the bag.

                I looked back down at the tubes and wires. They were making me nervous and queasy. I couldn’t stand all of these in my skin one more minute. I began to pull the wires out of my skin and discarded them to the floor and pulled of the wires which caused the machine flat line. I quickly shut the machine off to stop the sound.

                Next, I pulled myself into a sitting position groaning in pain as it hadn’t fully healed yet. I looked to my right to see a cabinet with a jug of water and a glass. I quickly filled up the glass and drank some to relieve my sore throat.

                I sat there for a while just contemplating everything that had happened. My life had changed so much in just a few short days. It had been three days since I ran. Three days since I turned eighteen. In that time I came here, I was put in confinement. The rogues attacked and I helped protect the children. At least for once I had finally done something right. I did a good thing even if I did risk my life in the process.

                Just then I heard the door handle turn and the door open. Immediately I smelt his scent. It was addicting and was clearing my head already. I nearly sighed in contentment. He walked in and saw me. He froze for a second looking me over and checking on me before he sighed. He rushed over and sat in the chair beside me.

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