Not A Happy Ending

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So, I am looking for a new cover please. I would love you forever if you made one for me.

By the way, you will all probably hate me. :D

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Chloe x

Fact Five: My birthday is on the 12th of March.

Chapter 31

                I walked out of the room as once again I began to delve into my own thoughts. I vaguely acknowledged Rebecca going in front of me and showing me the way. We passed down the corridors until we once again reached the main staircases. Rebecca walked confidently down them and I followed as I let my mind run through the endless possibilities and reasons.

                Xander’s tone in the mind link was remarkably blank. There was no emotion. He was trying to hide it from me. From that alone, I can tell of his fear and worry. Xander is far too kind and protective and has been trying to keep me calm for the past couple of days. He was obviously hiding something from me. He knew that our bond was so strong that any hint of emotion in his voice would alert me to the potential problem.

                So much for a peaceful morning.

                Rebecca was going as well thought. The Alpha, Beta and Gamma and their mates all present. This must be something serious for the six most powerful people in the pack to be called for the meeting. I sighed and tucked a loose piece of hair back behind my ear. The house was no fully bustling with life. It was nice to see. I could hear the laughter of children and the chatting of other members.

                People walked through the main entrance and would nod their heads in respect was they glanced me coming down the stairs. I would smile back in return. However, people were still unsure of coming and talking to me but they would smile and respect me. At least I was getting somewhere with everyone. That was definitely a bonus.

                I followed Rebecca as she walked down one of the side corridors that led from the main entrance until we reached a wooden door with two wolves calved into it, which was the pack crest. She had not spoken a word, obviously realising I was busy thinking about what this could mean. She pushed open the door and entered. I followed behind her. There was a huge long black table surrounded by chairs. Xander was sat at the head of the table. Michael was to his left and Alex was a little further down with his mate next to him.

                Xander smiled at me warmly but I could sense the emotions he was trying to hide within his eyes. Rebecca walked over to Michael and sat next to him. I smiled as I saw him relax and kiss her lightly on her forehead. They were such a nice couple. I walked round and sat next to Xander. Xander had his hand on the table so I captured his hand within mine. We held our hand together and Xander rubbed his thumb back and forth along the edge of my hand which instantly soothed me.

                It was quiet for a few seconds and I noticed Michael giving Xander a weary and unsure look. Whatever it was, they were unsure of what my reaction would be of it today. I decided to look round to Xander then. He wouldn’t look at me directly. He refused to look me in the eyes. He was hiding whatever this was from me.

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