A Similar Situation

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YEY!!!!! I am back. Finally, the new charger came through. Sadly, I am at the end of my holidays so not as many uploads as I hoped.

Anyway, I have 117 followers. 30,000 reads!!! 1,088 votes!!! That is flipping awesome. Thank you so much.

I would love someone to make me a different cover. I am ready for a change. Please, please make me one. I will dedicate a chapter and follow you for one that wins.

Oh, Suggest a cast as well please. I want to have a full cast list before I finish the story.

Thank you again.

Vote, Comment, Follow,


Chloe x

P.S. Fourth Fact: I am studying French, English Literature, Music and History at A Level (the English type of exams when you are 16 to 18 years old.)

Chapter 30

                I woke up in the arms of my beautiful and handsome mate. I sighed in content even with my body aching and feeling heavy from the beating my body had taken. My body was in the final stages of recovery. By the end of today, my body should be fully healed and I shouldn’t feel any more pain. That was something I was looking forward too. The pain would be one less reminder of the ordeal in which I suffered.  

                I sat up on the bed and looked around me. Xander was still peacefully asleep in the bed. His hair was messy and strewn across his face slightly. He looked so peaceful and so cute as he lay there asleep. It was nice to see him looking in peace. He wasn’t suffering with what reality brought him. A hurt mate. A dead, traitorous brother. A recovering pack. Something no one should have to go through.

I literally wanted to kiss him senseless. That was my wolf’s feelings there. I blushed violently. I had to get these thoughts out of my head. I shook my head as if to rid them of the thoughts running through them before I stood up carefully as to not wake him from his sleep. Walking into the closet, I contemplated what I would do today. I felt like I needed to be productive. I felt like I needed to do something useful or at least something to keep my thoughts from my ordeal.

I still have the nightmares. I no longer thrash out in my sleep screaming. Xander doesn’t even know. I am stuck in the nightmare. The pristine white room, paralyzed with the overwhelming fear that consumes me. I just bare my way through it until I am drawn from sleep and into a soothing reality at the moment.

I pulled a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue t-shirt out from the closet. I pulled out all of my undergarments and shoes before carrying them into the bathroom. I placed them all on the floor before locking the bathroom door and pulling a towel out from the cupboard. I stripped from my nightwear and underwear before dumping them into the washing basket in the corner. I turned on the shower until it was steaming hot before climbing in.

I washed myself and did anything to take my mind from my trauma. I was suffering. No one really realised the extent I was suffering apart from the scars they occasionally see. I was overly paranoid. I would become frightened at the littlest of things. Anything that would remind me of my capture. I never let it show. I wanted to remain strong. I didn’t want Xander to worry over me more than he was already. He already had more than enough on his plate.

He was treating me with such care and attention as if he was afraid that I would disappear from him at any moment. Both him and his wolf were jumpy which understandable given the circumstances. This is why I kept my mental suffering to myself. Maybe when things are calmer and sorted I might share my problems with Xander but right now, it is best if I keep things to myself instead.

Princess of the RoguesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon