Chapter 18

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Zach planned a dinner and told me to invite Lizzy and Luke. He wants to meet my bestfriends. Maybe then he'll be at ease about Joe. It took me a minute to get ready so I arrived at the restaurant after everyone. I make my way to the table, my little black dress flowing around me. Zach stands up, smiling, and we kiss.
"Look who finally made it, now can we eat!" Logan says. I roll my eyes, giving Liz a hug.
"Sorry Im late, perfection takes time." I laugh.
"You look the same!" Luke groans. I kick him under the table and he winces.
"Your friends told me a lot about you. I would never take you as the crazy party type." Zach chuckles. I blush, hiding my face. He looks so good when he smirks. I have to wonder how I got him.
"Well I wasnt party material, more like they set me up." I mutter.
"Danielle, I must say, I like him." Liz winks. I smile. Im glad she does, her approval really does matter. I let the past night fly out the window. Zach loves me and accidents do happen. It couldve been worse.

A hour passes and we've ordered enough food to feed an army, barely touching anything. Everyone is so engaged and lost in conversation. Luke and Zach get along well and Im more than happy about that. I really needed their approvals.
"Okay okay, I need to make an announcement." Zach stands.
"Babe, sit down!" I blush.
"No no, stand up."
I laugh, allowing him to help me up.
He gets down in front of me, taking a knee. Oh no no no no no.
My cheeks are red. The room is hot. Everything is spinning.
"These past couple of months, you have made me very happy. Im happier than I could ever be. I dont want to ever lose you, princess."
I look back at Lizzy, she's smiling. She knew about this. Im gonna kill her. Everyone in the restaurant is watching us. I know Im beyond all the shades of red put together.
"Will you marry me, love?"
All eyes on me. Can I do this? Is this too fast? Am I ready?.
"Y-yes, I'll marry you!"
He lifts me up, spinning me around and around. The ring is heavy but beautiful. I love it. I love him. Joe is the past.
Zach is my future.


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