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My hands shake. Im clenching this pregnancy stick too hard. Too tight. Me and Zach havent had sex since that night, six or seven months ago. There's no way I carried a baby this long and didnt know. Right? My phone vibrates, my mothers beautiful face popping up.
"It's positive bbygirl."
I feel disgusting. I forgave Zach for that night, we did counseling and still got married. But a baby? Conceived through rape? I can't keep it. This is a mistake. Accident. Blunder. Anything but our baby. Will Zach even want a baby? I know he loves me but with his schedule, he's never around.
I text back. I stare at the little plastic stick. So pointless but carrying so much meaning. I need to think fast.
"Everything happens for a reason."
Mom, always trying to be positive. She's right. But a drunk night full of hatred and heartbreak? A rape baby. I can't think of any other term. My fist cracks the plastic. As much as I'd love to forget that night and everything that happened, I hang on to it. Joe made love to me as if it were our first time all over again. Begged me to stay. I took control. I left. Like a thief on the night, I took everything I came with. I only left a letter of apology. That crazy night. Full of untold stories and growing up.
A memory worth keeping a thousand years. I'm consumed in the image of Joe. Only he could love and hurt me so much I wanted more. Only I could leave him after all that love making. Deceitful. Blood dripping down my arm brings me back to focus. This rape baby. I can't call it that forever, if I decide to keep it. He or she will need a name and all my time. My adrenaline starts pumping and I have to balance myself while standing. Zach. Joe. That one night. One night of hell and pleasure.
"Tell Joe I need 2 him."
It can't be his. Or it could be. Would Joe want to it? Now I see how Karma works. This is absolutely Her Fault.

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