Free time

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Erebus had finally calmed down from the whole Blake thing and now we were simply staring at each other in the kitchen, his eyes seemed to light up after we had gotten over Blake being here. I couldn't tell what they were filled with, I had never seen it before from anyone but it reminded me of warmth and comfort. He leaned forward so his face was close to mine making my knees slightly buckle underneath me at the close contact, an urge to reach up to him filled my senses making me get up slightly on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. Instantly, he put his hands on either side of my face and kissed back for a few more seconds before pulling away, to probably keep my lungs from dying out from the lack of oxygen. He stared at me as I nearly panted for breath before I looked up at him,

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that it was a mistake," I said nervously

"No its fine, unless you really thought it was a mistake?" he raised an eyebrow slightly as he questioned me I blushed red before replying

"N-no I don't think it was a mistake" He nodded before standing back up to his full height

"Um well, do you want anything? I could make you something if your hungry or get you something to drink" He shook his head slightly

"Didn't I already tell you that the Luna shouldn't be cooking?"

"Well it could be useful and I really enjoy cooking" He paused for a second before replying

"Fine but you won't cook for anyone else but us" I nodded with a smile and he gave me a small smile of approval in return before taking my hand in his and walking upstairs. Again I had to nearly jog to keep up with him but managed to not trip over my two left feet before walking into Erebus bedroom. He snaked his arms around my waist before climbing onto the bed and sliding my small body against his as he laid against the headboard. His right arm stayed around me as he grabbed the remote and clicked on the television with the other it showed a movie and I stared at the screen as Erebus shifted over to lay his head on the top of mine. A yawn escaped my throat and in response Erebus then pulled the covers over us lazily, trying to make him not notice, I pressed closer to him very slowly to snuggle against his warmth. He seemed to notice anyway because he then wrapped his other arm around my torso and pressed me tightly to his side, a relaxed sigh came from my chest and my face laid on him as sleep took over.


My eyes fluttered open tiredly as a soft snore filled my ears but it was a comforting sound that soothed me. My face was pressed against Erebus's chest and my legs were intertwined with his underneath the covers, his arm was draped lazily over my torso and his face was brushing the top of my head. The closeness of us together made me blush as I tried to focus on his chest that was right in front of me, he shifted slightly and his arm tightened around me as he started to wake up. The thought of pretending to be asleep crossed over my mind until his arm dragged me up to his level and his eyes looked into mine. A giggle escaped my lips as his fingers pressed into my hip, tickling me slightly, he smirked and tickled me more and I squealed while my legs flew up and kicked at the air under the covers. Erebus shifted so he was nearly on top of me while continuing his frantic torture which caused the high pitched sound from me.

"Erebus stop! T-This is childish!" My hands frantically tore at his to remove his iron grip but had no effect as he laughed his musical laugh.

"Are you calling me, the most feared Alpha of the century, childish?" He lowered his head down to me as he asked the question,

"N-no, I'm calling your... actions childish?" My statement turned more into a question at the end accidentally.

He seemed to find my misused pronunciation amusing and smirked down at my cowardly position, which made me look even smaller then I was normally if that was possible.

"C-come on let's go we got stuff to do," I said while squirming over to my side to get off the bed underneath him

"Like what?" He asked whilst still not budging to move off me

"I've got to get the big bad alpha some food for those muscles!" I laughed slightly before blushing violently in embarrassment from saying something like that to him and looking to the side away from him. He chuckled before wrapping his arms around my torso and bringing me up to him while my legs rested on the bed still, the atmosphere became heavy suddenly as he looked at me for a couple minutes with a blank expression.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly, did I look bad or something?

"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you" I couldn't wrap my head around how someone could say things like that without showing the slightest bit of embarrassment,

Before I could respond he leaned forward and captured my lips in a kiss, my hands stayed on his back for a few seconds before sliding upwards and tangling into his thick, black hair. He pulled away with a short sigh of breath and looked at me for a couple continued seconds then got off the bed while dragging a breathless Layla with him across the soft, silk comforter. Instead of putting me on my wobbly legs he tossed me up over his shoulder as if I weighed no more then a feather before walking out the door and down the staircase to the kitchen. A scream mixed with a laugh erupted from my throat when he, not to roughly, slapped my behind with a chuckle and then set me down on a chair before walking to the kitchen,

"Wait! I was supposed to cook for you Erebus" I called while starting to get off the chair to run after him

He walked out of the kitchen then with two plates in hand with a smirk planted on his face as if he had just won a trophy, in response my lips turned down in the corners to a frown since I wasn't able to cook dinner for him. He noticed my disappointment and spoke with a sweet coated voice,

"Sorry sweetheart but it's already 6 and besides" he sat down at the table beside me before continuing

"I'm not in the mood for you to be cooking as a Luna" his tone hardened as he finished speaking which kept me from responding.

I looked down at my meal that consisted of a small bowl of some soup and some noodles with a piece of bread.

"Thank you for the meal" my voice was bleak as I picked up my fork and twirled the noodles around it before taking a small bite. My stomach made a strange gurgling sound after I had taken a few bites and Erebus had told me that if it was too much food I didn't need to eat it. In response, I'd taken another bite of food and had kept eating until my plate held nothing but a few crumbs of bread. Erebus looked at me worriedly as I took his plate and mine before walking into the kitchen and set them in the sink, ignoring the pain in my stomach. It was not a good idea to eat so much food after going so long with such a small amount when I had lived with Alpha Michael, I understood that. But it was rude to not eat the full meal that was given to me that someone had spent their valuable time on to make, it was simply disrespectful.

Erebus carried me upstairs through my small complaints and squirms from his iron grip but in the end, I ended up on the gigantic bed like I had assumed would have happened either way.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Erebus said looking down at me from his position that was sitting upward with me laying against his side.

"Yes, I'm fine" I replied while giving him a reassuring smile

He slid down face to face with me and kissed me before pulling the soft covers over both of us and having yet another, peaceful night next to the big bad alpha.

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ErebusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon