On We Go

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Layla's P.O.V.

"Erebus be careful! You're going to hurt your leg again!" I yelled up the stairs after hearing a loud thump from his office

"Layla stop fussing over me it's been nearly a week since the accident" Erebus called down calmly

It seemed we were more of an old married couple more than young mates who had only met a few months ago... Wow only a few months, feels like a year.

"It doesn't matter how long it been since the accident, the doctor said you need to take it easy and from what I'm hearing it sounds like your not doing that" I grumbled

"It was just a stack of papers" he replied

"Sure it was" I murmured turning away from the staircase

"I heard that" he called down

I smirked devilishly looking up to the top of the stairs

"Well, I hope you can hear this..." I whispered so not even he could hear me

I cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled

"Oh look a super attractive guy! Maybe I should go meet him"

A second passed before you could hear Erebus growl harshly before hearing the wheels on his chair skid across the wood floor upstairs.

I laughed before running across the kitchen and ducking behind the recliner chair in the living room, Erebus was already halfway down the stairs by then as I peeked from behind the chair. He stormed around the corner before looking right at me

How in the heck...?

He came over to me with inhuman speed making me squeak with surprise before his arms were wrapped around me and brought me off the ground and to his chest.

"Mine!" He stated possessively looking me straight in the eye before colliding his lips to mine

Oh, maybe I went a little too far he actually seems mad...

He pulled away after awhile and I stared at him ready for a lecture of some sorts but then he smirked with satisfaction. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him, confused

"You think he's still attractive?" he asked


I looked around as if searching for this made up man

"He disappeared so not any more"

Erebus chuckled before pressing his forehead to mine. I giggled before putting my hands on either side of his face and giving him a small, chaste kiss before he set me down on my feet. Then, of course, the moment was ruined as soon as the front door opened and in came excited little Addison, I couldn't help but smile at her though, she was always just so sweet and caring all the time.

"Hello Hello! We have arrived!" She yipped excitedly,

In came Brandon behind looking up at us both with a smile. I returned it before looking at Addison who was rushing over to give Erebus a big hug, he hesitated before wrapping his arms around her. She let go and smiled up at him,

"Well you look just swell" she clapped her hands together once.

"I am" he replied

Brandon came over and patted Erebus on the back before retiring to his mate's side.

"Well, would you guys like to stay for dinner then?" I asked looking at them both

"I'd be fine with that, how about you dear?" Addison asked looking up at Brandon

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