❄ Fruit Cake ❄

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"Please, hurry guys. I have to go," Nick said to the elves, who were putting the last of the gifts inside the sleigh. 

"Patience, son. The elves take pride in their job," his father spoke, patting him on the back.

"I know, father. It's just I really want to see- make sure the gifts are delivered on time," Nick lied, through his teeth. 

"Right, and a certain wish from an eighteen-year-old, who still believes in Christmas, wouldn't have anything to do with this rush, would it?" Nick knew he'd been caught.

"How did you know?" He asked, looking ashamed, but relieved he could finally tell someone about Daisy.

"You may deliver the gifts, but I still check the list twice," Santa winked, nudging Nick on the shoulder. 

"Alright bosses," Mint, our head elf, smiled, looking down at the list. "We are all set. Let's make it happen!" He called earning cheers from everyone around. 

Santa gave Nick a hug, and whispered, "follow your heart." Nick pulled away shocked and excited by his father's words. 

Nick climbed into the sleigh and tugged on the reins. "Let's go boys!" He called to his deer, before turning to all the elves, and his parents. "I'll see you at Christmas!" Nick made sure to stop at every house, before finally landing on the familiar rooftop of Daisy. He wanted to be able to spend more time with her. He climbed down the chimney, but she wasn't there.

"Daisy," Nick called, but there was no trace of her. Somethings not right. Nick looked down the hallway to the stairs and carefully climbed each step. When he made it to the top he heard something. It sounded like crying. He went towards the sound till it took him to a door. "Daisy," he called, and the crying stopped.

"Nick," he heard a faint whisper. Peppermint Sticks it is her. "Unlock the door," she said behind the door. He went to do so but looked at the door. It had three locks that required keys and a chain. 

"What's going on, Daisy?" He asked, using magic to unlock the door. When he heard soft clicks, and the door opened Daisy ran to his arms. She had tears running down her face, her beautiful brown hair looked as though someone had pulled at it. Daisy squeezed his torso with all her strength.

"D-did you g-get my wish?" she asked in between gasps.

Nick nodded into her hair. "Let's escape," he whispered to her, they went to walk down the stairs, but Nick noticed she had a limp, so he turned and carried her.

"You don't have to do that," she tried to protest. "I'm not light," she looked down sadly.

What happened to his Daisy. "Please, I've carried presents twice, if not three times the size of you. You are light as a feather." When they got downstairs Nick noticed the cut on her lip, and the bruise forming on her forehead. But he didn't want to ask until she was safe in the sleigh far away from this house. Once she was carefully tucked under some blankets he had placed inside for her, he hopped into the sleigh as well. "Daisy, we are going to have to talk," he told her. Feeling her nod into his chest.

"I know, just not yet, okay?"


"I noticed you're wearing the gift I got you," Daisy said, playing with the snowflake attached to a black cord. 

"I never take it off. It's the best gift I've ever gotten, besides getting to spend these nights with you," Nick told her honestly. "I've missed you, Daisy."

She sighed, "I've missed you too. So, where to first, Santa Man!" She asked excitement, slowly easing back into her voice.

"Anywhere you want to go. I finished earlier," he said.

"You did that for me?" she asked, a little shock clear in her voice.

Nick looked down into her mistletoe eyes and said, "I'd do anything for you." And there is was those rosy cheeks darkened with blush, and enjoyed the sight. He loved everything about Daisy.

"I chose... India!" She exclaimed, and Nick directed the sleigh towards a small city in India he knew she'd like. They spent hours in the sleigh exploring the sights. He took to all the seven wonders of the world. After they explored parts of Italy, Spain, Portugal, as requested by the tour director, Daisy. When they stopped at Christ the Redeemer in Brazil. They both decided it was time. 

"Daisy, talk to me," Nick asked.

"Last year my father passed away, and my mother remarried. At first, he wasn't bad. He wasn't my dad, but he wasn't bad. We would go to the movies, and the beach together. It was actually kind of fun, but then one night I came home late. He was angry. My mother had already gone to bed, so he waited up. He had a very calm voice, then out of nowhere his hand appeared and he hit me. I couldn't believe it. The next day my mother tried to tell me he was sorry and didn't mean it. But that door was open. He did it again and again. I ended up in the hospital twice in one month because he was getting ready to go after Dustin, and I intervened," Daisy scuffed. 

Nick couldn't take the story Daisy was painting. It was hard for him to imagine anyone laying hand on her, but he looked at her face and saw the evidence of pain and suffering. "The locks?"

"He wanted to put a stop to my going out late and not coming back. I tried staying the night at a friends house, so he took away my phone and put the locks on. At first, I was able to get out, so he changed the original locks with key ones, and added the chain," Daisy's voice was void of emotion. Nick pulled her to him, careful of her injuries and slowly rubbed her shoulders. He sprinkled kisses in her hair, and down her face. Every place he kissed was slowly healed. Daisy was shocked, "You have healing kisses," she asked, giggling at the thought.

Nick smiled, "Where do you think, kiss it and make it all better comes from. Now, stay still there is one more spot I haven't healed." Nick looked at her lips, and then her eyes, slowly he brought his hands to her cheeks and leaned in close until he felt the sweet pressure of her lips under his. It was Nick's first kiss, and it was magical. She met him with every move. They were perfectly in sync with each other. He felt Daisy's hands move back his hat, and run her fingers through his hair like he liked. Nick nearly moaned at the feeling. He reached for her waist, pulling her closer to him. When they pulled away. Daisy giggled, and Nick chuckled. "That was-"

"Magical," she smiled, placing a small kiss on his cheek, before moving to climb off his lap, but Nick stopped her.

"Wait. You still have injuries," he noticed her wrist. 

"It's okay, Nick. They'll heal," she shrugged, but Nick held her in place.

"No, let me," he asked, waiting for her consent. Daisy nodded, and Nick's hand gently picked up her arm and showered it was light kisses. He then went to the next arm, finding the bruises and scars and healing them. Nick remembered the limp. "Which leg?" He asked her his voice taking on a serious note. Daisy looked away but pointed to her left. Nick leaned her against the cushioned seat, so he could get to her leg, and pushed the pant leg up revealing a deep dark purple bruise. Nick didn't waste any time. He brought his lips down on the ugly mark and kissed it away. "Anything else?" He asked, once her pant leg was in place.

Daisy looked over at Nick, and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too, Daisy," he smiled. Daisy hopped into Nick's arms, and this time it was her turn to kiss him.

"Ah-Sweet Sugar Cookies," Nick groaned.

On their way back to her home, Nick had one more surprise left in store for her, and he hoped with all his might she would accept.

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