❄ Peppermint Sticks ❄

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After their little make-out session in Brazil. Nick had been acting funnier than usual. When they got to Daisy's house, however, it got worse. "Honestly, Nick, what is going on with you?" Daisy finally asked not being able to take it any longer.

"Two things: the first thing is I love you, and you know that. You love me," he said. He seems nervous, but I can't imagine why? Daisy took hold of his hand, and she nodded. "The other thing is that you won't be able to see me next year," he told her the sadness seeping into his voice as he remembered. 

"What do you mean?" Daisy was angry at the news.

"You're getting older, and next year you'll be nineteen adults can't see me. They stop believing," he informed her. Daisy smacked his arm. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"How dare you think I'll stop believing in you!" Daisy fumed.

Earning a smile from Nick. "This is not going the way I'd hoped. Let me start over. I love you."

"I know. We got that part covered," Daisy smiled.

"No, I really love you. I want you to come with me to the North Pole. You'll be cared for and loved. You could be happy," Nick's voice held his own excitement, for their future together.

"But what about my family?" Daisy whispered.

"You can take your brother and sister with us. I'm sure the elves would love them too. But your Mom cannot. Humans that have stopped believing cannot visit the North Pole. You can, however, see her every Christmas," he smiled.  

Daisy thought about it. What she was leaving behind to say yes to Nick, but the more she thought about what she was leaving the happier she became about her decision. "Okay," she said, unable to contain the happiness. 

"Really!" Nick asked in shock, and Daisy nodded. "Okay. What do you need? I'll go in and help. Are we taking the kids? There's plenty of room. I mean I fit a planet's worth of toys I can get two kids and a couple rooms with of stuff in here," Nick rambled off, earning laughter from an over the moon Daisy. 

They snuck back into the house, and Daisy went to wake up Dustin and Darcy. Nick stayed back by the door not wanting to scare them. "Hey little munchkins, remember how I said I knew Santa really well," Daisy asked the sleepy face of her siblings. They both nodded. "Well, here he is?" Their little eyes shot up with excitement as they ran to an unsuspecting Nick.

"Is it really you?" 

"You're so young." 

"And skinny?" 

"How old are you?" 

"What did I get for Christmas?"

"Yeah, what did I get for Christmas?"

"Darcy and Dustin, I have a big question for you both," Nick started. He leaned down so he was close to the children. "At any point in our deal you are allowed to say no okay," the two nodded. "Do you want to come live with me at the North Pole?" The twins eyes were as wide as saucers as they nodded rapidly. "When you get older you may not feel the same, but you can always come back," he reminded them. 

While Nick figured out what the twins were taking Daisy snuck into her mother's room. Her stepfather prefers to sleep in the office. "Mommy?" she whispered, and her mother, woke instantly. 

"What's wrong?" she asked her voice deep with sleep.

"I'm leaving, and I'm taking the twins. We aren't safe here, Mommy. We will be safe. I promise someone good will be taking care of us," Margaret couldn't understand her eldest daughters words. It felt like a dream. "Beleive, mommy," she whispered, before giving her a hug.

"In what? Who's taking you? Where are you going?" Marget began shooting off questions waking up more and more. 

"In Christmas," Daisy smiled, before slipping out the room.

"Got everything," Nick smiled proud of himself. Daisy quickly peeked into her room, and he was right everything was gone.

"Come on Santa," she said, taking his hand.

"Daisy," her mom called, opening her door. 

"Run," Daisy whispered, and hand in hand the two raced down the stairs, up the chimney and into the sleigh where two very excited children sat snuggled in blankets with hot cocoa in hand. 

Nick quickly shook the reins and they were off. 

"Can I say it?" Dustin asked.

Nick smiled, "Sure."

"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

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