3. Maybe I could stay

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As I start my drive from the B&B I decided to make a quick stop by the Diner and thank Hanna for setting me up with a place to stay. After all thanks to her I got a good night sleep and the company of such nice people as Shirley and Jonathan. And I feel like I'm getting my appetite back again, so maybe I could grab some take away for my trip. So I turn the car to the direction of the town and start driving there. I get a weird feeling, that for some reason I don't want to leave this town. Shirley and Jonathan showed me some human kindness and I feel like if I leave, I won't get something like back for a while. They made me feel welcome and at home, even though I'm just a regular customer. I shut down that thought, because this town doesn't seem like they have a place for someone new and with a baggage like mine, it's a small place and life seems settled here, I would be an intrusion. So I just kept driving.

I didn't get very far though, because soon I've spotted a car parked on the side of the road and a bunch of teens surrounding something. I slowed down and opened the window just as I was passing them. As soon as I reached them, I stopped the car.

"hey, guys! Is everything fine?", i shouted to them. One of the teens, a miniature redhead, turned to me, and by her facial expression I gathered, that everything is not fine at all. She seemed scared, her eyes were full with tears.

"We've hit a fox..." She said quietly.

Another teen turned around, this one looked a bit older, a boy, dark blond hair, frowning eyebrows. He glanced my way and turned back to his friends.

"We should put it down, it will die.", he said in a low voice.

"Let me see.", I got out of the car and made my way to the fox.

"What are you, a witch or something? The animal is dying, you can't help.", the same teen said kind of rudely. The others just observed with a hind of suspicion, I was a stranger in this town after all. 

"Not a witch, but a vet, so maybe I can help after all.", I said with a small smile, trying to win them over. They don't need to know I didn't get my degree yet, but I guess I could do it online someday? I got on my knees a bit away from the fox, put my cane near me, and looked fox in the eyes. An injured animal is very aggressive, it would be a mistake to approach him fast. 

"Hey there, buddy.", i whispered to the fox. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'll just take a look and maybe I could help you, ok?", I was talking with the fox as if it could answer me, and the teens throwing me some weird looks, but I knew what I was doing, so I didn't pay any attention to them. I slowly crawled to the fox and when I was right next to it, I started talking to it again.

"I'm going to touch you now, and you will not bite me, ok?", my voice was calm and soothing. I slowly placed my hand on foxes head and scratched behind his ears. Then I moved my hand just beneath his jaw, to make sure he will not be able to bite me, when I start touching his injured parts. With another hand I gently touched his ribs. A small whine escaped from the fox, but he allowed me to continue examining him. 

"Wow...", said the redhead.

"Quiet, don't scare the fox, I need my hands attached to my body,", I said with a smirk. The tens now looked at me in awe. I gathered, that the fox just snarled at them when they tried to approach it, but well, I'm the Pocahontas here, not them. I couple of ribs were broken, but its lungs didn't seem to be punctured. What got me worried was a little pool of blood under it's legs. One looked broken and the blood was still oozing out. When my fingers touched the blood, I felt like sharing the insights of my stomach with the others. I turned around slightly and my face color became a bit greener.

"Some vet you are, can't handle a bit of blood?", said cocky blond.

"I'm pregnant, smart ass, as much as I know, it could be the smell of your socks that makes me gag.", I replied calmly.

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