23. Hopes crushed.

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Remember the last time I said my life wasn't boring? Well, that's an understatement. A very huge understatement. You want to know - why? Because. Imagine yourself in a room full of werewolf's and you being the only human severely limited in movement? That's right, there's no way out. Here I was surrounded by my new family, but in the end of the day him, and I figured it was Nick, is their real child, their brother, cousin, etc. And I had no doubts, that if he were mad at me, than he had a reason, and that reason would be enough for all other people in the room to turn against me. What happened with thinking positive thoughts? My subconscious me wondered. Well, my fear overruled all rational thought and clouded my judgment completely. So no wonder that my heartbeat increased, breaths came out in short pants, beads of cold sweat formed on my forehead and hands became clammy and gripped the kitchen table so hard, that my knuckles turned white. There was a ringing in my ears, I was hypnotised. Soon enough my panic attack became so severe that I started seeing black dots in the corners of my vision and I swayed a bit in my chair. My breath got caught somewhere on the way in or out of my lungs and then I lost it. I felt the movement of my body, I was falling and I could do nothing about it. Somewhere on the verge of a total blackout I heard a vicious growl and that warm hands caught me, and it felt good, way better than what I was feeling before, but I was too far gone to register that feeling fully and then everything went first silent and then black.

I don't know for how long I was out of it, but at some point everything in my body started turning on again. First was the headache. It was dull and annoying, so I moaned. Then there was the pain in my leg, it was sharper and even more annoying, so I whimpered. Then I started hearing things, and it was also annoying, so I furrowed my brows.

"Come on, Lena, quickly, bring a glass of water, she must be dehydrated!" - Shirley, that's for sure, only she has that whisper yell full with so much color, that a regular whisper just can't obtain. Then there was the shuffling of feet, I figured it was Lena who went to grab me said glass. Then something cold touched my forehead, and it felt good, so I moaned again. A wet towel, perhaps?

"Sweetheart, open your eyes." Shirley again. Her tone was soft and soothing. She sounded worried. Why would she be worried? What the hell happened? I furrowed my brows again, this time in concentration. Couple more seconds and... BAM! Everything came back to me - the ice cream banter, than the door, than him. The livid wolf. At that memory my eyes shot open right away, but the light, oh, how bright it was, my head instantly felt it burning my eyeballs out, so guess what I did? Yeah, I moaned again, and then whimpered. Pathetic...

"Sweetheart, calm down, there is no need to worry, you are ok, you are safe, no one is going to hurt you, you and the baby are totally fine." She was trying to calm me with her words and the towel, and it helped a bit. I was safe, no one was going to harm me. Well, except for the stalker, but he wasn't here, everything good. Oh, my baby! I tried reaching for my belly, but my hands were weak. Hell, I was weak.

"Shhh, don't make any rapid movements, let me help you sit up" said the ever caring Shirley. God, I realised, how I love her...

She gently placed her arm under my shoulder and helped me sit up, putting a pillow behind my back. I looked around and realised I was on the couch in the living room. It was only me and Shirley there, oh, and Lena that just walked in with a glass of water.

"How long was I out?" I wheezed out, my throat dry.

"Here" Lena handed me a glass of water and plopped on the floor before the couch, while Shirley sat next to me, stoll hugging me around my shoulders. I hungrily gulped down the water and turned to Shirley again.

"So? What happened?"

She caressed my hair again in a motherly fashion.

"You had a panic attack and fainted. I think Nick scared you a bit..." at that she turned her eyes away and hummed uncomfortably.

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