21. Guard's up

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  "He is the grandson of the same Alpha that hunted down every single healer..."  

These words are stuck o repeat in my head. How cruel and vicious fate can be? How is it possible, that the father of my child is related to the same man that is at fault of so many deaths? And another thing - what did I ever do to deserve this? I never thought of myself as a selfish person, but this thing right here makes me feel as if the whole world is against me, throwing and throwing shit I can't cope with my way. Just the mere fact that I started swearing says it all. 6 months ago I was blushing like crazy at the very thought of saying the "Sh" word and the "F" word, now? I've got more important problems than minding my language. Like having a stalker or being raped by the grandson of a beast that killed every single available healer in the world. And what if his son and grandson share the same sentiment? I bet they do, apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In other words - I'm screwed. Shit. 

  "He is the grandson of the same Alpha that hunted down every single healer..."  

Same words again. It's like a never ending merry go round. If he finds out who I am - he is going to kill me. Oh, more than that - he might hurt the only people that treated me like family, the people I consider my only family right now, all hundreds of them. I can't take that weight on my shoulders, the guilt is going to rip me apart. I have to go. I have to leave. And that was the exact thought I decided to voice out.

"I need to leave. It's for the best."

And at that same minute the kitchen exploded with outraged voices shouting that I have gone mad, declining my idea on the spot. They shouted so loud, that my head started to hurt, but I didn't care.

"Guys!" I tried shouting over the quarrel. "You don't understand! It's dangerous to have me here!" But no one seemed to listen. They just continued screaming at each other now, suggesting what to do, but none of the ideas seemed appealing to me. 

Finally Jonathan got fed up with all this mess and ordered with a strong voice: "Enough!"

Instantly the kitchen became dead silent. Everyone except for Nathan lowered their gazes to the ground, Jonathan's strength so visible now, flowing over us in intense waves. 

"Emily," he turned my way. "You are not going anywhere. When we accepted you to the family, we knew the possible consequences."

"But only you know that I'm a healer, what about the rest of the pack? They have no idea what they signed up for." was my reasoning. A valid point, no?

"No, they didn't. But they don't need to. They have their Alpha to think about all the serious things, and they put their trust in Nathan. Now I need you to do the same thing, since, technically, Nathan is your Alpha as well." His voice was calm and soothing now. Oh, how easy would be to just trust them and not think for myself. But I couldn't do it. Something has to be done about all this situation.

"I realize that, yea, but I don't want any harm to come anyone's way because of who I am..." Now my eyes were full of tears, I was close to loosing it. 

"Sweetheart..." it was doc Evan's turn to try soothing me. "You are our family now, and we stand by our own." The Nathan chimed in: "And also, we don't know if he is the one who is stalking you or if he knows about you being a healer. Let's not think ahead of ourselves, first we need to gather some more information and figure out, what's going on, ok?"

"I guess..." was all I could muster. 

Andrew decided, that it was the right time to reveal more information to everyone, and by the look on his face it wasn't good.

From scratch ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें