Chapter 6 Going Where?✔

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Ellie's POV

I guess you could say I'm more miserable than ever.

I'm in a separate room from my twin brother. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks. Only heard his voice when we have our conversations. Though I feel like it gets harder to hear him through this wall between us.

I also feel extremely weak. I haven't gotten enough nutrients for my body. I'm pretty sure that if it looked at my self, I would be close to seeing my skeleton.

I also have so many bruises. Everytime something goes wrong with Blake's life, he takes it out on me and Elliott. My brother told me that the worst injury he has is a blow to the head. My worst injury is a seat belt whip to my back.

I don't know what to do or how long me and Elliott are gonna be here. I miss my dad. My mom. My real mom. Ashley. My friends. This isn't fair.

I'm in my room trying to get rest. It's 3 in the morning and I hear footsteps. I sit up preparing for what horror may come through the door this time. The door slams open.

"Get up!" Blake roars at me.

I don't bother to complain. I just do what he says. Last time I complained I got a punch to my stomach making me throw up. Again.

"Hurry up!" he says. He grabbed my arm and started yanking me to another room. Where is he taking me?

He takes me to a room on the other end off the hallway and throws me in there.

"Don't move!" he yelled and slammed the door. I'm scared out of my mind right now. I take a moment to sit up and bring my knees to my chest. The room only has one light in the center which is the most light I have gotten in almost 4 months.

I hear another door open and close then hear footsteps coming my way. The door opens and I see Blake. And he pushed my brother in the room. Elliott!

"Stay here I will be right back!" he said and slammed the door.

"Elliott! Elliott are u ok!?" I said shaking him on the ground.

"Ellie?" he asked, he was weak like me. I wonder when was the last time he ate.

"Elliott. Oh my gosh" I said bringing him into a hug. He hugged me back. Its been a while since we've seen each other physically.

"I've missed you" he said.

"I've missed you to" I said.

Suddenly the door slams open and Blake comes in.

"You rats pack your bags. We are going to Brazil" he said.

"WHAT?!" me and my brother exclaimed.

Elliott's POV

"WHAT?!" me and my sister exclaimed.

"You heard me!" he said.

"What no this isn't fair!" I yelled.

"Life isn't fair" he spat back.

"But-" El started.

"But nothing! We leave in one week!" he said and slammed the door.

What. I can't believe this. Was he kidding? Was he trying to mess with us? I don't know what his deal was. But I am not a bout to let this happen to me and my sister.

"Elliott, what's gonna happen to us?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know El. I don't know" I answered her. And I was being honest. I had no idea what the hell Blake was gonna do to us.

"What are we gonna do?" she asked.

"Looks like it's 4 am right now. Lets just get some sleep and well can talk about this when we wake up" I told her.

She nodded her head and I kissed her forehead. We fell asleep on the floor back to back. I don't know why but we always turn away from each other.

Soon we fell asleep.

But I felt like I had to wake up a while later. I sat up and saw that Ellie was sitting up to.

"El what's up?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I couldn't really sleep" she said.

"Yeah me neither" I said.

Then we heard footsteps coming towards the door and they were getting closer and closer.

Ellie and I held each other tightly and we heard the footsteps grow louder and louder.

Then they stopped. They just stopped.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"AH!" I exclaimed.

Me and my sister turned around and we saw the same beautiful woman we saw a while ago. Still dressed in white and glowing skin.

"Mom!" me and my sister exclaimed. We went straight to her arms and we all settled on the floor in a corner of the room. We molded our bodies so we were comfortable. I miss my mom.

"Mom we are so scared" I said. She started to stoke our hair.

"I know my loves. I heard what Blake said"

"Mom we don't know what to do" El said. She was on the verge of tears. And so was I.

"Sh. Sh. Its ok. I promise everything will be alright" she said.

That made me feel so relaxed and soon I fell asleep.

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