Chapter 10 What The? Part 2✔

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Elliott's POV

I was on the ground, my body aching, my twin sister beside me, and I could see both my parents dressed in white together.

"Mom, dad, what's going on?" I asked.

They didn't say a word. They just came over and both of them put a hand on me and Ellie's shoulder.

I kept looking at the man who attacked us. What could he possibly be looking for? Suddenly, he pulled out a huge and loaded rifle. He was coming towards us.

As he pointed the rifle to us, we heard a bang.

But neither Ellie or me got hurt.

The man dripped his rifle and fell to the ground. Behind him was a police officer with his gun.

Oh my gosh.

He came over to us and started calling for an ambulance.

That's the last thing I heard before all went black.

When I woke up, I sitting in an ambulance, I looked around me and the nurses seemed to be busy. I looked over at where many tubes led, they led to a body.

My body.

What the... ?! This can't be! Am I dying?

"Hey what's going on?!" I yelled to one of the nurses. They didn't seem to hear me. They just kept working on my body.

Where's Ellie?

I hyperventilated going further in the ambulance and saw Ellie's body in worse condition than mine.

"El? El can you hear me?!" I asked grabbing her hand.

"Elliott" I heard behind me. A soft fragile voice. I turned around and saw Ellie.

I immediately threw my arms around her and she hugged me back. I felt my shoulder get wet. She was crying.

"What's happening?" she asked me with so many tears in her eyes.

I rubbed them away with my thumbs.

"I don't know El" I answered her. I saw her look behind me and she sobbed harder.

"Is... Is.... Is that me" she asked me chocking on her own tears.

I nodded.

She collapsed into my arms and cried softly. We fell to the floor and we just hugged each other, never letting go.

When we got to the hospital, everyone got out and we followed. No one seemed to even notice us.

They rushed us to the ER and started to do immediate surgery.

"Do you think we can make it?" I asked Ellie.

"I think its up to us. We have to be strong" she said grabbing my hand.

We felt a light behind us. We turned around and saw our parents.

"Mom dad!" we yelled and hugged them.

"Mom dad please tell us what happening" I begged.

We released each other and we went outside of the ER to talk.

"You are both in a very critical condition due to the beating you received" dad said.

"What about mom? Ashley?" Ellie asked.

"She was informed about the situation. She's coming as soon as she can but there was an accident so it could be a long while before she gets here" mom said.

"Mom dad, are we gonna..." I asked.

"We don't know" mom answered giving us a hug.

"What we do know" dad started "is that both of you are fighters. And we will also be with you every step if the way, even when you can't see us. Both of you are the most important things to us in the entire universe" he said joining the embrace.

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