Chapter 11: Divorce

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I woke up, and immediately put on my boot for my leg. I opened my Instagram. I went to Tiffany's Instagram and saw a video. A video of Nick helping me and asking for my number. Why the hell would she record that?

I looked at the description. It read "OMG! I can't believe Nick and Faith r dating!"
It fucking went viral! 390k views?

Ohh shit. This just got real.
I got on a black leather jacket with a silver crop top and ripped jeans. I clipped on my cuff earrings that I had and drove out of the driveway, to school.

The day was pretty boring. At about noon, I got a call from the front office to be dismissed. I addressed this and drove back to my house. My mom was waiting there for me. I looked at her. I was genuinely concerned. "Honey, your dad and I have been talking, and we have something to tell you."

My mind wracked, thinking of something of this importance.

"Your dad and I are getting divorced."

The sentence sat in my mind, and it took me a while to comprehend what she said.

Then, my body and emotions just burst. I plastered a fake smile on my face and quietly went up to my room. I locked my door and huddled in a corner. I started to cry, harder than I ever had in my life. I didn't know what was happening. I looked at the time. 12:45pm. I didn't give a fuck. I called Julia.

"Oh, i'm sorry Mr. Smith, just have to take this call. Be back in a minute."

"Faith! What the hell is up! why'd you call me in the middle of class?"

I sighed. "M-my parents. They're getting divorced."

There was no sound on the other end of the line. "J-julia? Are you there?"

I heard sniffling. "What? Your parents are divorced? Wait a minute, I'm coming right now!"

"Mr Smith, I'm afraid I have to leave."

"On what grounds?"

"My Grandma just died" She faked crying.

"Oh, well, you go on now. Class, back to work please."

"Be there in exactly 3 minutes, Faith." Then she hung up. I sat in the corner of my room, crying.  5 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and Julia was there with ice cream and movies. "You bitch, always know what I like." I said jokingly as we went upstairs and turned on the TV in my room. We spent the next 4 hours sitting in my room, watching movies. Of course, with fridge raids and crying. Oh, and bathroom breaks.

But anyway, after I sent Julia home, I just sat in the same spot I did, watching more movies. About 1 hour later, in the middle or a movie, the doorbell rang and I went to answer.






I glared at him. "Why the hell are you here? And how do you know where I live?"

He earnestly smiled at me. "Because I wanted to know if you're okay."

I don't why I did what I did next. I hugged him. I FRICKIN HUGGED NICK. WHY THE HELL DID I DO THAT?!" I felt his lips move into a smile as he continued to hug me. We let go and I SMILED at him.

Remind me to slap myself later.

I smiled and said goodbye. I closed the door and walked back to the corner of my room.
Why the hell did I do that?

Divorce can make you do crazy things.

The Straight-A Streetfighter✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora