Chapter 33: It's The Weekend

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I hope to update more since school is out, but summer is getting really busy for me, and I don't always have access to my computer, which is usually what I write on. Anyway, there is an authors note at the end, so please read that!


Faith's POV

The sun streamed through my window, welcoming me with open arms. Ah, I love weekends. Maybe I could get in touch with Rebecca; we could go for lunch or something. I picked up my phone, which was on my desk, and fell back into my bed, opening iMessage. I created a new chat with Rebecca and texted her.

Hey, can I call u Becca? Anyway, i was wondering if you wanted to shop around a little today? I wanna do something today.

Oh, hey Faith. Sure, I'd love to go shopping today! Sounds cool. Yeah, Becca's fine.

Nice! I'll see you at 11:45? We could meet at the Jimmy John's.

Sounds cool. See ya!

I'm thinking of getting my hair dyed again. No, I plan on doing so this summer. But not today.

I changed into faded ripped denim shorts and a cropped black t-shirt and sat at my desk. I looked over my calendar. I crossed some dates out, added a few things, because I hadn't really looked at it in a while. After this I went downstairs and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down at the couch and put the bowl on the coffee table.

As I dipped my spoon into the flakes I grabbed the remote. I turned on the television and switched it to Netflix. I watched two episodes of 13 Reasons Why.

By the time I finished it was 11:29. I had to leave!

I switched the tv off and grabbed my keys, purse, and jacket. I burst out the front door and unlocked my car. As I got into my car I put my stuff in the passenger seat. I drove downtown, praying I'd get there on time.


I pulled up to Jimmy John's right on time. I walked inside, hearing a bell ding as the door opened. I scanned the area to see Rebecca sitting in a corner booth. After ordering a sandwich I sit down across from her. She looked up and smiled. "Hey, Faith!"

I smiled back. "Hey. Did you already eat?"

She nodded. "Yeah, you?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I just ordered. Will you wait?"

She smiled. "Yeah, I will. Anyway, what have you been up to?"

I thought for a moment. "You know, not that much. I'm planning on calling Mike to see if there are any empty spots."

The thing is with the club, it's kinda organized. Fights have to be scheduled, because there are so many members.

"Oh, and i'm probably gonna spend some time with Nick."

She looked confused. "Who's Nick? I mean I don't live with Tiffany, so i'm fortunate enough not to hear her screeching about her soulmate, even though he probably changes every day." She muttered the last part in a low voice.

I grin. "Nick Peirce. He goes to my school, and he's awesome." As I was gushing about Nick, I went up to collect my sandwich. Have I gone soft? Hm, no. I just act differently around my friends.

As I finished my sandwich, I took the wrapping and threw it away. Rebecca and I walked out of the store, hoping to hit stores like Hot Topic and Buckle.

The Straight-A Streetfighter✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora