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Thud after thud echoed through the space as Negan's bat was hitting the same spot over and over again. There was nothing left to hit but he just kept going. Abraham's lifeless body proved to everybody that there was no easy way out of this. The lines they crossed were drawn over, locking them inside a chalk outline of the dead body of their dear friend, their family. The power Negan held over them fell heavily on them and wouldn't lift.

Crying and sobs cut through the steady rhythm Negan made with Lucille, burying everybody's spirits deeper and deeper into the ground. All of them except one. When he finally brought himself to stop, he found his new companion synchronized with the sound of his beat, almost howling at the moon. Her eyes crazy with bloodlust when their eyes met.

"Oh my goodness," he laughed and the wicked witch laughed with him. "Look at this!" Blood splashed from the bat as he swung it around. "You guys, look at my dirty girl!" He exclaimed, leaving everybody uncertain if he meant Lucille or the other girl by his side. Maybe that brought Michonne who still held her posture highest of them all to look straight into the girl's eyes, when Negan was preoccupied with determining relationship status of his last victim.

"Please, help us," Michonne mouthed, one hundred percent sure her plea was received and processed. The receiver just decided not to act on it.

"So what do you say?" he lifted Lucille for the girl by his side to see. "Just one of them for all my men."

She lifted her hand, leaving it hovering over bloody Lucille, almost touching it, but not quite yet. She was mesmerized.

"I don't know. It just doesn't seem fair," she finally spoke. Everybody looked at her with hope. Maybe she'll be the one who stops all of that madness and brings him to his right mind. "The numbers just don't add up." She frowned, finally stroking Lucille, covering her fingertips in Abraham's blood.

Negan caught what she meant right away. "So you think, I should go on?" He sounded delighted.

"They're no good to you dead but the disobedience needs to be addressed with striking force that hurts just as much." She secured herself by touching Negan's shoulder, when she bent down to Daryl, stroking one of her bloody fingers from her eye down her cheek mimicking a falling tear. "And I don't exactly see those tears, do I?"

She spoke directly to Daryl and it literally moved him. The last thing they needed was a insane person who took Negan's side and mocked them right after they lost somebody so close to them. Daryl snapped and was on his feet in an instant. Negan grabbed the girl by her waist, yanking her to the side and made Daryl's fist miss her face by a mere inch, taking the punch himself.

What followed is a history. After Daryl was pacified, Negan put Lucille back to work and took everything that was left of the broken group. The girl got to see all the tears she wanted and more.

"What? Was the joke that bad?" Negan looked at Rick. "I'm sure someone appreciated it." He turned to the girl.

"One of the best I've seen," she said, wiping blood from her lower lip. She bit herself when Negan tossed her aside sheltering her from Daryl.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He made his way to her, speaking quieter, making sure she truly was unharmed, glad he saw her dance again.

"Yes, I'm alright," she smiled at him. "Just make sure that won't happen again." She pointed her head to Rick.

Negan squeezed her arm, reassuring her, he got it covered and made few steps back to Rick, thinking, but not for long.

"I'm taking Rick for alittle ride, get him into the RV," Negan ordered, his men immediatelytaking action. "Wait for me here, sweetheart," he told the girl rightbefore he disappeared into the RV, "I'm taking you home."


Author's Note: Unlike my Supernatural fan fiction, I don't know exactly where I'm going with this. :D So let me know if I should figure it all out or just let it go. I've always wondered how it would be if the girl stood on the other side than Rick's group and where would the story take me. Don't hesitate to leave any kind of feedback or even suggestions what would you maybe like to see :)

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